I think there has always been a honey vs sugar debate, and in my twenty something years of living, as far as I can remember, I have never used honey instead of sugar. I have heard from several people that honey is a healthier alternative, but I’m one of those people who don’t want my foods to mix, so I’ve never used honey instead of sugar because I have always felt that it will alter the taste of whatever I put it in.
But this past week, I used honey for the first time in my oatmeal, and it was not bad at all. I used a tablespoon of honey, and I immediately regretted it at first taste because it was too sweet. The oatmeal I made was only half a cup (raw), so that was way too much sweet. I could taste the honey, but it wasn’t like an ugh taste. The next time I used honey (for the same amount of oatmeal), I only used about a quarter of a teaspoon. It was barely sweet, but it was manageable.
Curious, I decided to go searching. According to what I read on several sites – especially this site, our bodies process honey and sugar the same way, but there are little differences:
1. Sugar contains about 16 calories per tablespoon while honey contains about 22 calories per tablespoon
2. In sugar, fructose and glucose are hooked together, while honey has them as individual units.
3. While honey may contain more calories, people may use less of it.
4. Honey may aid in digestion, and unlike sugar, it may contain some minerals and vitamins.
I don’t know what’s going on with me, but lately, I have been on a mission to try new things: food, products, etc. So this honey thing I’m currently on, I don’t know how long it will last, but if I am sure that honey – especially in the amount that I currently consume it (quarter of a teaspoon) – is a healthier alternative, then I will make a conscious effort to continue it.
When it comes down to it, it’s really all about healthier food choices. So, what’s your take on this honey vs sugar debate?
Honey over sugar, if honey’s available.
Okay. Thank you.
Try Agave
Agave? Oh, goodness. What is that?
Not a fan of honey…it’s bad memories; my dad used to being authentic honey home when I was about 15 and he used to make me sieve it until it was clean.. I hated those days
Honey is good tho (the authentic one o, no go wound abeg!)
P. S: I prefer ‘Verastic: A little bit of everything’ to this new one 🙂
But how do I know authentic honey? Like this one I bought, it says it’s pure. I don’t know what that means really.
P.S. Igwe likes it the way it was before, too. Chei. Guess I’m gonna have to change it now 🙁
Loool. Aww, poor baby. I remember that honey sieving thing. I never had to do it, but I remember it for some reason. Same way I hate liver. My dad used to make me eat it. Yuck! Still hate it, especially because I was forced to eat it.
LOOOOL just like I almost hated corn cos my Dad loved it so much
Haha. I can just imagine. Parents need to mind themselves!
I hate honey. It tastes horrible
Lol. Poor you 🙁
Look for organic or raw honey. Try a Farmer’s Market or Whole Foods.
Also do your research on brands of honey you buy because companies are allowed to label anything that contains honey (added sugar included) as honey. Avoid the very cheap ones at all cost, there’s a reason why they’re that cheap.
Adura, see, this is a problem oh! Researching individual companies will be a problem. But I’ll try sha. I guess that’s the best I can do.