Every time I do a giveaway here, there is always some geographical limitation, but some of you Sweet Potatoes are not very happy about it. So let me explain several things:
1. When brands are sponsoring the giveaway – like the current one with the purple robe. Have you entered yet? – they decide the rules.
2. Financially, it only makes sense for brands to prefer winners to be located where they are located. For example, if Company ABC, located in Baltimore, Maryland is giving away a bag of rice that is worth $10, it won’t make sense for Company ABC to mail said bag of rice for $100 to Nigeria because now, Company ABC is spending way more than the worth of the bag of rice. You get?
Okay, let’s do this giveaway:
Since I launched my small shop, I have been meaning to do a giveaway of the t-shirt. For the Sweet Potatoes in America, I’ll still do a giveaway for you. For now, however, I have worked out the logistics for the Lagos/Abuja Sweet Potatoes. Yes, I am aware that there are many more States in Nigeria than the two mentioned here, but I have not worked out the logistics for them. Once I do, I’ll be sure to do another one.want to do one for the Lagos and/or Abuja Sweet Potatoes.
I created this t-shirt as my own little way of schooling people – the non-African people, that is. After living in America for 16 years, I am so sick and tired of people referring to my beloved continent as if it’s a country. There are no words to explain the absurdness of someone planning a trip to “Africa,” but when you ask them where in Africa, they don’t know. I’d like to see them board a flight heading to the International Airport of Africa. Don’t let me preach too much here; this is, after all, a giveaway.
This is the Africa tee, which I hold close to my heart. It’s a UNISEX v-neck tee that is made of soft, lightweight, premium cotton. It’s a stylish, expressive, and witty way of screaming without screaming that Africa is not a country. You may enter to win very, very easily via the Rafflecopter box. There will be 5 total winners, and the giveaway will end on Thursday (August 19th 2016), so please enter to win.

This picture is a mock up and does not do the t-shirt justice.

A picture of me rocking the t-shirt at BlogHer16 last weekend.
The Rules:
1) By leaving a comment and telling me why you want this t-shirt. (required)
2) By following @verastic on Twitter (optional)
3) By tweeting a message (as captured in the Rafflecopter box) (optional)
Please note: You do not have to enter through all three methods, unless you want to. But you have to at least leave a comment, and the more you do, the more likely you are to win. Also, participating in this giveaway adds you to my monthly newsletter love letter. I promise you’re gonna love it.
IMPORTANT: Please make sure you enter the giveaway with a correct email address because that’s how I’ll reach you when you win.
JUST AS IMPORTANT: You don’t have to wait to win the giveaway oh! You can actually purchase it here. Free shipping within the United States.
UPDATE: The winners of the giveaway are Atinuke, Inumidum, FavorMoyse, Chizzy, and Sarah! Congratulations. An email has been sent to all the winners.
Yayyyy!!!!!!!!! I want!!!!!
I want the tee because its a wonderful concept.. Most people’s don’t even give a second thought about the continent /country thing especially when they hear it in the movies. But this would bring it to their consciousness and secondly because I’m a sweet potato. I’ve been following you on twiter since forever
Verastic Vera!
I want this shirt because I find it detrimental and rude to sum up over one billion people & the second largest continent as a country. How do you merge 54 countries into 1 country?
I want this shirt so I can stylishly remind/inform these Non-Africans that Africa is NOT a country!
I also live in Abuja and I am already a Sweet Potato 😀
Dear Vera,
i want this T-shirt because indeed Africa is not a country….
Also i never really win stuff so this would make me feel special 😉
I want this shirt because it is a customized Verastic shirt which makes it extra special and cool!
I would love to have this tee shirt as I believe in the message it carries.Its downright annopying how a lot of foreigners hold on to this absolutely wrong notion….and then thanks for this “our own”giveaway too!
Dear Vera,
I passionately believe in Africa, the greatness, her potentials and the vast untapped resources.
We are great people who for several reasons have not gotten to were we ought to be as a continent however, we are a work in progress.
It grieves my heart when all I see on CNN and other western media is war, sickness and poverty. I have however learnt over the years that until the lion learns to tell his own stories, the hunter will forever be the hero.
I recently took an online course about Sustainable development in the sub-Saharan Africa (another words by ndi ocha in an attempt to define us). I believe in Africa, I believe also in Nigeria.
I don’t just want this shirt because it’s free (of course I love giveaways) but because I recognize our strength as a continent and our uniqueness as 54 nations.
I believe Africa is not a country.
i’d love this shirt so people would ask me questions and i could share some insight
I want it because I love love love love it
Lagos give away. Africa is not a country. I’m so down and ready. Love you verastic
I want it because whenever I wear it, I did preach without opening my mouth who and what AFRICA is.
Thank you Vera!
I want it because whenever I wear it, I will be preaching about it without opening my mouth.
Thanks Vera!
I also want this shirt so I can educate non-Africans in a stylish way!
Proudly African
I would love to win this t-shirt
First of all because it is awesome
And secondly because many people do not know this.
P.S I subscribed ;p