Welcome to December.
December though??? Oh, my God. 2015 is about to be over, my birthday is next month, and I need to start thinking about my personal and professional plans for 2016. I’m not ready! November was a month of reorganization for me. Other words I can use to describe November are: evolution. Starting over. Learning new tricks. A whole new perspective. I mean, it goes on.
My grandma has gone back home, although she’s Ada Verastic’s official and unpaid baby sitter when I need her to be. Before I had Ada Verastic, I had it all figured out. I thought this should not be difficult. How hard can it be to care for a little, tiny person? Not a question that I feel like answering right now, but apparently, not very easy. I still don’t have a schedule. My November consisted of me and Ada Verastic getting to know each other better. In November, I learned to understand her cries a lot better, and I learned to console her a lot better. I also gave up on having a schedule; I just follow hers. For now.
As the Oga Madam of Verastic, however, I did not make a lot of money in November. I did not have a single sponsored content, but that’s because I turned every opportunity down, knowing that I would need some time to get used to the baby. Still, I miss the money, and I cannot help feeling like I misused my time.
In the month of November, Igwe and I also did our first outing without Ada Verastic, and I was ecstatic!! It’s not like I did anything spectacular at the party, but just being able to dress up, put some makeup on, wear heels, and go hang out with my friends? Priceless! Igwe did not really understand what all the excitement was about, but he’s just a man, so we’re not taking him seriously. I missed Ada Verastic as soon as I dropped her off with grandma, but I was still happy to go. I just wanted to feel like a girl again.
Oh, I was so consumed by the birth of Ada Verastic in October that I forgot to mention that I was quoted in another CNN article. Woooooo hooooooo!!! The article discusses whether the parents of mass shooters should be blamed for their children’s actions. Read it HERE to find out my take on the issue. On a regular day, being quoted in a CNN article would have been everythin, but this time, Ada Verastic trumped it all.
That’s it for my November, folks! How was yours?
Glad that you had a lovely time when Ada Verastic was with grandma. Congratulations on being featured on CNN. I would say that there is only so much a parent can do, particularly when the child is an adult. I would suggest that a lot of discipline and training needs to be in place for children when they are younger so that they grow to be responsible adults.