There I was minding my own business when Funmie walked into my house with a tuber of yam. Then this happened. It had been so long since I last ate yams, and considering how much I actually love yams, I don’t know why I never bothered to get some. Anyway, yam and egg stew will always be welcome in my home. When following my recipe, please keep in mind that the amount of ingredients I’m writing down isn’t always accurate, as I don’t measure when I cook [most times]. I just go by sight and feel.
This is really, really easy to make and also very fast. Yams cook is about 10 minutes, and the egg stew takes just about as long, so if you’re using two burners, you should be able to complete your cooking in about 15 to 20, including prep time.
We only have four of each kind of plates in our house. That is, four dinner plates, four salad plates, and four soup bowls. That’s because we’re only two, and I don’t want a crowded cabinet. Anyway, all our plates are this same color (dark red). I don’t know if it is the red plate or my flash, but egg stew is looking orange. I’m going to buy a white plate, just for blog pictures. Meanwhile, there’s a another picture of the food (which I took on my phone) and put on Instagram. I like it better, so it’s below.

This version seems to show it better. Culled from my Instagram
1. Tomatoes (I used about five)
2. Eggs (I used 3)
3. 1 red bell pepper, if you like it
4. 2 habanero peppers (this was really, really hot, so if you can’t handle the heat, don’t do it! I know this is a food post and I probably shouldn’t be telling you this – but I will anyway – when I sat on the toilet the next day, my bum bum was begging for mercy, as this very peppery yam and egg stew forced its way down and burnt me new holes while at it. Okay, that’s it. I’m done. As you were …)
The number of eggs and tomatoes you use is totally dependent on (1) The quantity you want to make (2) How much of it you’ll use (3) How stewy or eggy you want it. For me, I like it more eggy, or just about equal. Some people prefer more stew than the eggs. If Igwe were home, I would have made it twice as eggy.
5. 1 Knorr cube (they come 2-in-1)
6. About half a teaspoon of curry powder
7. A pinch of salt, if you want
8. About a quarter teaspoon of onion powder (Yes, I still haven’t gone to the grocery store for fresh onions. Ain’t nobody got time for that right now).
9. 2 tablespoons of your preferred cooking oil (I use vegetable. Or is it canola?)
1. Grate the tomatoes, habanero peppers, and red bell peppers. Include fresh onions here, if you’re using fresh onions. Alternatively, if you prefer, you can hand-slice them.
2. Stir fry it with the cooking oil
3. When all the water is gone from it, add the knorr, onion powder, curry, and salt. Mix it up.
4. Add the eggs. Fry till it’s done to your preference.
5. Now eat.
Try the recipe. Enjoy the meal. Tweet or e-mail me pictures when you’re done. I would love to see.
P.S. It’s okay to put the eggs in before the spice. It all depends on your preference.
P.P.S. I’m assuming we all know how to boil yams, but just in case: peel the yams, cut them in the shape you prefer, and boil them like you would do potatoes. If you don’t know how to boil potatoes, then I really, really cannot help you.
My favorite food that year!
Sting, what year biko? And where was I when this was happening? Lol