I'm a day late with Verastic Life this week. You won't believe the week I have had. Weeks, actually. But I'm here now, and that's what mostly matters. Enjoy the video below and leave your comments here or on the Tube. If I don't say it enough, I really do appreciate every one of you. Thank you for all that you do for me. Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE. Read More
5 Reasons Why You Should Take The Olay 28-Day Challenge
Ladies, as you know, I have been doing the Olay 28-Day Challenge, and I am now almost at the end of it, so I thought I need to come up here and tell you how it's going so far because glowing skin is in. If you follow me on Instagram and Facebook, then you probably already know. If you don't follow me, then this is me nudging you to do so. I LOVE my skin. No, really, I love it. There was a time in my life that I did not have a skin regime, and it was not because I did not want one, but Read More
Verastic Life 25: I Got Published In The Baltimore Sun!
Sweet Potatoes!!! It's Wednesday again. Have I mentioned that Wednesdays come a lot quicker when I'm doing videos? In this episode, you see my real-time reaction to seeing my name in a newspaper. But of course, if we're connected on social media - Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter - then you already know about this article being in the Baltimore Sun. Verastic Life does not publish in real-time. I tried the real-time thing, and it just did not work for me, so I'm trying a Read More
Let Me Tell You About My Daddy, The Dictionary Writer
How many stories have I told you about my daddy? I can't keep up anymore either. But today, there's a new one, and of course, it's funny as usual. My daddy is a great forgetter of almost everything. His medical practice seems to be the only thing he's good at remembering, and that's a relief. Back in Nigeria, every time mom and I travelled, we would come home to discover that dad had lost the keys to the house, and it was always through one of two ways: (1) He just did not know where he Read More
Watch Story Time: How To Make Six Figures In Six Months (Bamboozled!)
New video!! It's Wednesday! In this video, I'm telling you a story about the time I attended the breakout session at a conference that was going to teach me how to make six figures in six months. I was prepared to make all the money and come back here to blow you all away. Then I got there and received the shocker of my life. As always, thank you for watching, and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE! Read More