I consider myself a sensitive person. I don't mean that I am overly sensitive to what people say or do to me, but that I am sensitive to people and their situations, and I try to be mindful of what I say or do, knowing that I don't know everyone's story. But recently, I have felt insensitive. So the other day, I met a beautiful black lady and we struck up a conversation when I complimented her [dread] locks. You know I have been fantasizing about shaving my hair off and/or locking it. Because Read More
How My Grandma Miraculously Got Healed From Cancer
Have you e-met my grandma before? If not, you need to read this hilarious post about my grandma. I don't know what it is about the members of my family - on both sides - but I find them to have an impeccable sense of humor. Even little Ada Verastic is starting to show her funny bone. Anyway, years ago, my grandma fell ill - and I use the word ill loosely. She was taken to the hospital where tests and tests and more tests were run on her. No actual illness was discovered, but grandma Read More
Happy Birthday To Me + A Letter To Myself, With Love
It's always easier to write a "tribute" to someone else, just like it is sometimes [unfortunately] easier to take care of someone else and their needs and forget all about yourself. So, this year, I will be doing something different. I'll be writing a lovely post for myself. Enjoy and celebrate with me. **************************************************** Happy birthday, Vera! You have been blessed to celebrate yet another birthday. Don't think of today as just the anniversary of the day you Read More
Let Me Tell You About My Nigerian Pepper Soup Baby [True Story!]
My people, my 2018 is looking like it's going to be my best year yet. It looks like money is going to be chasing me in 2018 and I will have a lot more than I can possibly spend, and it's all thanks to my Nigerian Pepper Soup. Let me tell you all about it. So, my friend, Uto was pregnant and due on December 27th 2017. I had originally predicted that baby would come on Christmas Day because I just thought it'd be cute to have a baby on Jesus's fake birthday (you do know that Jesus wasn't Read More
20 Hard Lessons I Learned In 2017
What a year!!! In all of my life, I have never, ever had a year like 2017. It felt like life kept knocking me down, and before I could stand up completely, it would knock me down all over again. I cried too many times. I lost weight, lost my appetite, lost blood, and I think I lost my mind too. But it's okay, I have been restored. Amazingly, I have come out stronger. I have entered 2018 with a spiritual confidence and awakening that I have never had before. God fought for me even when I Read More