You guys!!! I've got a feel-good story for you. So, you know how I was having a hard time writing for a few months? And then I put up that post about having writer's block? Well, guess who came through for me? My very own Sweet Potato, Manny! I was there jejely minding my business when she sent me an email saying she bought me a journal that she hopes will help with my writer's block. I gave her my address and few days later, the best book ever appeared in my mailbox. It's a journal Read More
Style Post #1: This Matching Set From New York & Company
Oyibo people call this outfit a matching set. In Nigeria, this is simply "up and down." Like I mentioned in my introductory style post, the purpose of these style posts is to share my style with you as I grow and evolve; the purpose isn’t to tell you what’s currently fashionable or trendy. But if I do happen to be on trend, I’ll share that too (and I'll thank the Lord, God Almighty). This up and down outfit came from New York & Company, and I have an interesting relationship Read More
Sweet Potatoes, I Want To Share My Style With You
Sometime in 2013, I decided to incorporate my personal style into this blog. As a personal and lifestyle blogger, there technically isn't any area of life that does not fall under the "lifestyle" and "personal" niche - although I don't think that "personal" is still a niche. Prior to the decision to incorporate my personal style into the blog, I used to randomly write about style. Usually, it was something funny - like why men shouldn't wear leggings. By the way, I received emails from Read More
Why I’ve Decided To Shut My Blog Down
When I started blogging, it was just for fun. It was my personal space online to share my thoughts. And I think most of us who were blogging at that time started blogging for the same reason. Now, I have been sharing my thoughts online for 12 years. I look back on some posts and I am amazed at the season I was in when I published them. Actually, the main reason why I am always reluctant to delete blog posts is because I believe they are reflective of that time in my life. They are my truth at Read More
God Bless America!
Today is America's birthday. Usually, I'd google to see how old America is, and I'd come online and wish America a XXXth birthday as if I knew how old she was before I researched her. It wasn't that I did not care, but that the average American probably does not know off the top of their head how old America is. I've lived in America for most of my life, and while I have always appreciated America and the American culture and people, I now have a new found love and respect for this country Read More