It appears I have a problem. I don’t know when, where, or how it started, but it’s definitely real. I don’t know how many women do this, so maybe I don’t have a problem after all. Maybe there are many of us who do this. Basically, this is my routine once I come home:
1. Take my shoes off
2. Take my pants (or skirt) off
3. Take my bra off
And they all happen in the living room. After taking them off, I then proceed to put them where they belong. Except the bra. The bra usually ends up everywhere but the bedroom. As I type this post now, I’m looking at a bra on the coffee table, another one on the TV stand, and yet another on the dining table. Don’t worry, I hide them when someone is coming over. For the rest of the day, I’m dressed in a tee shirt and underwear. Hello, comfort!
There is always great relief when the bra comes off. It’s not like it bothers me when it’s on, but when it comes off, I feel So. Much Better. And my breasts are thankful. So yes, if you pay me a surprise visit, you will find bras littered in/on strange places.
I don’t know why I treat my bras these way. Sometimes I have to come to the living room in the morning to pick my bra from wherever it’s hanging out. Maybe I should start using it as a decorative piece. It’d be like a catharsis of some sort, no?
Am I the only one who takes off (and stores) her bras in the living room?
P.S. I don’t leave my bras in the kitchen because I have a thing for clothes (or clothing items) smelling like food.
Lol. I don’t think my aunt would appreciate my taking off my bra in her living room.
Hahaha. You haven’t even tried yet. Try it first. If at first you don’t succeed, try it again. And if at first she slaps you, turn your other cheek. Then the next day, take your bra off again. Tehehehe.
Hahahaha…..No o. I don’t take off my bra in the living room. Living room ke? But I do know that once I get in I’m always in a hurry to take off every item of clothing….even my wedding rings have been known not to have a permanent space on my fingers….yet.
I hope Igwe’s mum does not pay you a surprise visit o. lol
My ring only gets worn on the weekends. Lol. During the week, it sits pretty in its box. Per Igwe’s mom, well, she’s a woman. So perhaps, I can introduce her to the good life of taking her bra off in the living room, too. Lol.
As soon as i get off work and in my car (heading home without stops), any uncomfy clothing piece gets zipped down, unbuttoned and unhooked.
I stay braless 110% of the time while indoors i think LOL
Yes, you definitely are braless at home. In fact, you’re mostly completely naked at home. You take your bra off in the car? What if a hot police cop pulls you over? Girrrrrlllll.
Are you my mother’s daughter?! The living room is her closet for bra. Visitors have been known to carry bras on their heads. Sometimes, it is funny and at other times, it is downright annoying! That woman!
Hahaha. Visitors leave with bras? Ha! Your mom has taken “take away” to a whole other level. I think I totally love her! I am not at her level (YET), but any day now, it just might happen. But I might be her daughter. Wait. Will that make you my sister? Ewooooo!
I do just about this exact same thing. Though I hang mine on doorknobs, any random doorknob that is near me at the time.
Ooooh. That’s one I haven’t tried! You have just inspired me. Door knob, here I come! Thank you for reading, Virginia 😀
You know in college – my roommate and I shared a one bedroom apartment and we had a bra chandelier in the middle of our room. I highly recommend it! I take my bra off late in the evening – usually in the living room or my bedroom. There is always tremendous relief. Great post. 🙂
Hahahahahahaha. A bra chandelier? Sarah, you have just made my day. I have to make it happen.
omg, Vera! A bra chandelier! That could totally go on our “Bra Home Decor” Pinterest board!
Yvonne, it’s like she read our minds!! I’m going to go create this Pinterest board and make “our” dream come true. We’re going to need many, many bras for this project. And thank you so much, Yvonne, for featuring my post.
Yup, I do exactly this. Bras everywhere. Sometimes I don’t even make it home, so when I can’t find my bra, sometimes it’s on the console between the front seats in my minivan.
Oh, Lord. You and Funmie are the same. I can’t believe there are so many women who take their bras off everywhere. This is super exciting! Glad I’m not alone.
Before living with my husband the bras were everywhere around the house. Now, it’s only occasionally that I leave it on the kitchen table. But it’s a goooooood feeling, isn’t it? Like sweet relief.
Catherine, it’s a GREAT feeling. I always unconsciously let out a deep breath. It’s like the thing has been constricting my diaphragm and lungs. Then all of a sudden … hello freedom!
I like to admire beautiful bras but I hate hate wearing them. most of the time I’m home, I don’t wear bras.
I take. off my bra immediately I step into the house. my bra is off before I even step into the house
Hahaha. All this time I was thinking I was a bad chic for taking my bra off in the living room, and come to find out now that there are people who take it off before entering the house.
I always take my bra off in the bedroom thats cos I don’t think my dad wants to see bra’s anywhere else ! LOL. But you will find my wigs anywhere around the house tho ….
Loool. Yeah, I don’t think your dad would appreciate the bras either — especially from his daughter. He probably isn’t even used to his little baby having breasts.
Vera, ur own is good….wait till u read my…here goes it:
for some ODD reason i hate wearing panties…once i get home i take them off.
I’d have clothes on but my panties must come off. Why? i just dont know 🙁
I already agree i am weird so no need to highlight that fact.
My boyfriend LOVES it (for reasons best known to us (lmao)) but yeah it’s a problem. I wear panties out obviously but when i’m home, i just dont. i hate it :”'( help me.
One Weirdo, this your problem pass my capability oh! Lol. You like taking off your panties?? And you’re wondering why your boyfriend likes it? *side eye* Lol. I don’t necessarily do the no-panty thing, but if I have just taken a shower at night, then I don’t bother with an underwear. I don’t know how to help you. You might need a level of grace that you don’t understand (Pastor Biodun joke).
My Bras are strictly for my eyes only. I take them off when and only when I retire to my bed. they stay on all day if necessary. But, My pants (not underwear oh! Jeans, trousers) are never in the bedroom. They just magically appear in my room (brought in by my mom). The moment I shut the front door behind me, my pants go off. I walk around the house in a Tee-shirt and my underwear. When there’s a knock on the door, mom yells “Monsor, lo wo aso oh!” (go put on some clothes) and if I go check who it is, I keep just my face hanging through the slightly opened door, smile and tell you to come in just as soon as I slam the door and run (Olympics standard) to the corridor. I was once caught off guard by my brother’s friend and I had to hide and walk with caution down to my room behind a kitchen tray. He was more like a brother to me and he showed no mercy. Laughed and stared at me all through the awkward migration. 😉
Oh, wow. T shirt and underwear is definitely the way to go when it comes to dressing at home. But my tee shirt happens without a bra. I tend to think of bras as art or fashion, too. Like, sometimes, I want to see what kind of bra you’re wearing. When women wear sheer blouses that show their bras, I think it’s hella sexy. But that depends on a lot, of course. Ironically, I don’t wear sheer blouses (unless I wear a camisole underneath it. Now that I think of it though, I need to invest in a sheer blouse!
i won’t lie. the only time when i remember where my bra is, is when i need it in the morning.
Girl, I have many times that I can’t even find a bra. Then one day I find it behind the couch.