Although Igwe and I are both Nigerians, we come from two different worlds - and I'm not talking just about the fact that we come from two tribes (Yoruba and Igbo respectively). I won't go into the details of our differences because I don't want to put all of our business in the streets. But let's just say that if it was not for America, we probably would have no business meeting. Getting married would be out of the question. All that said, although we have been "together" for seven years Read More
Biko, Stop Calling Me On Facebook!
For a blogger - especially a lifestyle one who shares her life online - I have a love-hate relationship with social media. As you know (or maybe you're new and you don't know), when I started blogging, I was semi-anonymous. I blogged with my real name, but I never showed my face. There was no picture of me on the internet either. I know this because I searched very frequently. I used to do posts about what people searched for on Google that made them land on Verastic, and searching for my Read More
Vera Ezimora, The American Visa Granter
Right now, right this minute, I have random people sending me What’s App messages on my phone about the status of the help I’m rendering them for their US Visa. Who are these people, and why do they think I can be their path to the abroad, you ask? Well, you can thank my daddy for that. While I was in Nigeria last year, my daddy made it a point to remind everyone that I was that his American daughter he had been talking about since. And when some people asked him if I could help them, he Read More
Don’t Speak To Me In The Grocery Line.
Okay, I’m just going to put this out there for the universe to know. It’s not that I’m mean or unfriendly or a snob. But I’m what you’d call a sometimes-I-just-want-to-be-left-alone kind of girl. I consider myself an introverted extrovert. Sure, I like to attend social events and chat and be silly with my friends, but after that, I really just want to go home and be left alone. And that, my Sweet Potatoes, is exactly why I don’t want to start a conversation while I’m standing on (in?) the line Read More
Why Apostle Suleman Shouldn’t Be Blamed For His Transgressions
When I say that I have tried very, very, VERY hard to avoid reading about the sex scandal surrounding Apostle Suleman of the Omega Fire Ministries, I mean every word of it. This is like the story of Ese Walters and the COZA pastor all over again, and we all know how that ended. In case you have forgotten, he said the holy spirit was going to give him a robust response, and till today, the holy spirit is yet to responded. The issue has been swept under the carpet, the church is probably Read More