After 10 years, Verastic started receiving guest posts stories on Wednesday, March 16th 2016. So I invite you to join me on Verastic. We [the Sweet Potatoes] want to read your story. Just to be clear, I’m not asking for a fictional story oh! I’m assuming that you are already a Sweet Potato and a regular Verastic reader, which means that you are already familiar with the tone of Verastic. But just to help, read below:
Submission Guidelines
1. Your post should tell a story.
2. Your personality should come through in your story.
3. Your story should preferably have a funny and/or satirical undertone (but it’s okay if it doesn’t). Not every time laugh, sometimes not laugh.
4. Your story should definitely have some Nigerianess/Africaness.
5. Your story should be yours and be original.
6. Absolutely NO sponsored content.
7. As much as you can, let your story go there. Don’t be afraid to talk about things that we usually shy away from.
8. It should flow and be fun to read.
9. It should absolutely be witty and engaging.
Trending stories | Style & Beauty | Your personal story | Being Nigerian/African in America | Inspiration | God/Spirituality | Women’s issues | Feminism | Marriage | Relationships | Parenting/Motherhood | Sex | List/Informational | Generally, any story that goes there.
Ready to share your story? Use the form below [or email directly to blog at verastic dot com [no attachments, please].
*** By submitting your story to Verastic, you are confirming that (A) You wrote it and have the legal and copyright to publish it on Verastic (B) You are giving me [Verastic] the right to edit it as I see fit, and (C) You are aware that you will not be compensated in anyway.