So I was at the dollar store looking for Ghana-Must-Go bags. You know them now! I went through the store once and didn’t find the bags, but I was sure they had them. I went up to the cashier to ask for directions to the Ghana-Must-Go aisle, and that was when kasala busted. It was only then I realized that after one decade in America, I had never called the Ghana-Must-Go bag anything other than Ghana-Must-Go. Facing this Asian woman, I knew better than to ask for the Ghana-Must-Go bag. How would I have explained to this woman that I was not in fact saying that Ghana, the country should go anywhere, but that I was instead asking for a bag that was nicknamed after Ghana going somewhere? I have an idea how that conversation would have gone. If you can, imagine the woman in her Asian accent.
Me: Do you sell Ghana-Must-Go bags?
Her: Ghana-Must-Go where?
Me: No, I didn’t say Ghana-Must-Go anywhere. I meant, do you have their bags?
Her: Ghana bags?
Me: No, Ghana-Must-Go
Her: Where?
Me: Home
Her: Who go home?
Me: No, no one. I mean, the bags. Do you have the Ghana-Must-Go bags?
Her: You want bags to go home to Ghana?
*** At this point, an exasperated Vera faints***
After that imaginary conversation ensued in my head, I decided instead to just ask for bags.
Me: Hi, do you sell bags?
Her: What kind of bags?
Me [uh oh]: Uhm, big bags
Her: Hand bags?
Me: No.
Her: Trash bags?
Me: Noooo. Like uhm … sacs. They come in colors like red, blue, and black.
Her: What they look like?
Me: They’re big, have two hands [Yes, I now know how stupid this description was: big with two hands. Only every other bag can fit into this description]
Her: Errr, I don’t think we have that bag.
Me: Yes, you do. I’m sure you do. Okay, do you sell any kind of bags?
Her: We have some back there against the wall.
I walked to the wall … and voila! Ghana-Must-Go bags!!! I grabbed three of them and walked back to her. After paying for them, I decided to ask, “So what are these bags called?” She laughed and said, “Shopping bags.”
Excuse me?!?!?! Who the heck goes shopping with these gigantic bags? They’re too big, too heavy (when full), and too inconvenient (no wheels). Shopping?!?! *INSERT LONG IGBO HISS* “Oh, thanks!” I said as I walked out of the store. Under my breath I mumbled, “These are Ghana-Must-Go bags! You better ask somebody!”
Needless to say, the shopping bags Ghana-Must-Go bags are being used the way they’re meant to be used: packed full with clothes we don’t intend to wear any time soon [and definitely not being taken shopping].
P.S. Don’t forget to tune in this Saturday [10am U.S. Eastern Time | 3pm GMT Time | 4pm Nigerian Time]. Mr. Yemi Isaac Falusi will be co-hosting and telling us all there is to know about U.S. Immigration policies. Listen HERE.
P.P.S. There’s still time to send in questions about immigration. E-mail or text them to | 1.443.934/9039 [Names and locations of the text/e-mail senders will be strictly withheld from the listeners]
P.P.P.S. For certain people that like to call me an mgbeke, let them just hush in advance.
haha, funny that most people that I see with GMG bags in the States are Whites /
On the contrary for me, I haven’t really noticed these bags with anyone. Either that or I have not been paying attention. Cause every time I see them in the store, I still feel a wave of excitement.
OMG… u dis babe u wan disgrace me.
They are called Laundry bags fool…. it aint no shopping bag, yes i mean d Asian lady is wrong.
The Asian lady wasn’t technically wrong oh. But perhaps these are bags that have different names. Someone else said they were laundry bags, and yet someone else said shopping bags. I just didn’t bother extending the post. Either way, Ghana-Must-Go works perfectly well for me.
Which sister be this bikonu? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Vera, you won’t kill me!
Emeka, na the thing wey I see for obodo oyibo, na him I dey tell una oh. It’s not my fault that this woman didn’t know the proper name of the bag. She shoulda known that it was a Ghana-Must-Go bag. She suppose know naaaa!
That woman is wicked!
How much is a man going to spend if he takes a woman shopping with one of those (and I’m talking quality shopping not buying second-hand mosquito nets and boarding house blankets)
Why didn’t you ask her if she had ever seen anybody enter or exit a mall with one of ’em? Any girl that follows me to the mall with a ‘shopping-bag’ shall be shopping for pillows and heavy bedding!
Sha! I would tell my sister that when next her boyfriend wants to take her shopping, she should leave her handbag at home.
Hahahahahaha. You know what? I never actually thought about it from that angle. But you have indeed brought up a very important point. How much shopping can be done with that bag??? It is for this reason that the next time a man decides to take me shopping, I will carry the biggest Ghana-Must-Go bag I can find. The challenge now will be finding the man that will take me shopping *yawn* That will be the day.
omg! i had a similar convo when I lived in detroit…only i called them “multi-colored” patterned bags….the guy at the store got it…
shopping bags ke? for where?
Hahaha @ multi-colored patterned bags. Come to think of it, I wonder why I didn’t think of that either. That does make a whole lot of sense. Needless to say, I somehow doubt that my Asian lady would have gotten it. Who knows?
I’ve seen that bag being lugged around here by oyibos interestingly…I was so proud to see it like ‘hey Naija is exporting goods’ :)!!!
I’ve missed you my protege. ahu o dikwa?
Nne, ahu di kwa! I am where you left me. No leave, no transfer. Man no die, man no rotten. [I think I’ve now run out of phrases to make my point]. But are those bags really made in Naija? Abi China don dey make am as usual? You know China makes everything these days. Soon we’ll start seeing cooked ofe onugbu in a jar … made in China. lol.
True test of its origin: does the bag handle tear when you need it most? Does the zip fall off when you want to close the bag?
I shall not lie but live to tell the truth. It does not handle tear oh! Pull it small and the white zipper will fall off. In short, you can probably tear the bag apart with your hand sef. Ifa bu China-made. There are no two ways abourrit.
hmmm… so they’re only a dollar… may need you to send me two or three o… I wonder if I can use it as hand luggage on the plane.. lol
Yeah, they’re only a dollar. You guys don’t have dollar stores over there? Let me know anyway if you really need me to send you some. I’m sure you can use it as hang luggage. LOL. Only thing is, naturally, they’re not very durable, so hand-luggage them at your own risk.
lol! shopping bags ke? ghana must go na ghana must go abeg. no other name can fit!
Femme Lounge, thank you oh!!! My thoughts exactly. Which kin shopping bag? A Ghana-Must-Go bag shall not go by any other name but a Ghana-Must-Go bag. I like you jare.
believe it or not I am looking for a Ghana must Go right now and I landed on your story.. How funny.. I’ll post it on my blog… it is so funny!
Hahahahaha. Are you serious??? Too funny! Where are you located? If you’re in the States, I’ll send a couple to you, but these bags are not the most durable, so use them at your own risk.
Lol – stumbled on this looking for a picture of ghana must gos to show my colleague. lol she goes that is just politically incorrect! LLOL
Hahaha. Enjoy! Thanks for stumbling on 😉