Thank you all for your very ridiculous – I mean nice – questions. Some of the questions made me laugh my head off and some of them made my mouth hang open. As I type this, my mouth is still hanging open. Una get serious audacity o! So because I said you should ask me any question, you think you can now ask me any question abi? What nerves! lol. In order to give you my full attention and not overwhelm myself in the process, I actually started responding to the questions from Monday (Jan 26th 2009). In other words, this is a scheduled post. Now, let the fun begin!
Naughty Eyes: Vera, SERIOUSLY, will you marry me? Before answering, take note that I have no money oh but my mum keeps looking at me and saying: “This boy, I know you have POTENTIAL” Whatever that means…
Vera: Seriously, of course, I will marry you. But you know there is a way to these things. Ur people have to meet my people, and then our people will discuss. lol. Together, you and I can make your potential become actual. 🙂
OluwaDee: Where will you hide my pegs if you steal them?
Vera: It’s quite unfortunate you’re a girl. If you were a guy, I woulda hidden them in my bra. Actually, come to think of it…what stops me from hiding them in my bra? Yeap, that’s where I will hide them. They better not pinch my nipples. Or else, major law suit! U know I know LusciousRon abi?
Standtall: My question be say, u never anwer the true-lie post. SO, which is which and thanks for abandoning my blog. I am taking it personally!
Vera: Number 1 is the lie. Of course Vera Ezimora is my real name. Number two is true. I really am celibate, and no, it has nothing to do with me not having a boyfriend. I would still be celibate if I had a boyfriend. And yes, it is tres difficult. Number 3 is also true. I was a nursing student. Hated it with everything in me. Coudln’t be creative with nursing. They wouldn’t let me freestyle with the injection and inject it anywhere…like the eye for example, so I quit. Mom & Dad were supa disappointed. Apparently, dad was hoping on me to takeover his clinic. Me ke? No oh. As for abandoning your blog, honey, would I dare? No!
Xprexxion Magazine: so when are you getting married?
Vera: Mr Xprexxion, sooo not funny! I am not laughing with you. And weldone for that stunt you pulled the other day. I’ll be getting married when he proposes. If you know who he is, then tell him to propose ASAP so that you can come and take my pictures.
Folake: Why do you blog and what’s your blog(ging) goal?
Vera: When I started blogging, I started because I just wanted to write down the thoughts that were going on in my head. As time went on, I began to blog about things that happened to me. I wasn’t tryna be funny; I just wrote things the way I thought about them. People found them funny. Now, I guess my goal is to write humorous events about my life and bring as many smiles as I can to people’s faces………and become rich and famous in the process, of course. LOL 🙂
Write Freak: So will you consider marrying a younger man?
Vera: Boy! This is a hard one. I’d like to instantly say, heck no! But what if he’s everything I ever wanted (except younger than me)? I definitely will not let his age stand in the way. We’ll just have to start lying to people (and me) about his age. lol.
Tisha: what is your motivation for life? what is your wildest dream, the thing you want the most but think you will never have?
Vera: My motivation for life? It’s quite simple: once there is life, there is hope. Things are not always fruity and fun, but once there is life, one can always hope for a better tomorrow. I have no wildest dream that I think I can never have. There is nothing new under the sun now. As long as I’m not aspiring to get a woman pregnant, I’m sure that whatever else I’m aspiring for, someone has either done it or come very close to it. And that someone doesn’t have two heads, so why not me? I aspire to be a national best selling author, a multiple award winning author, a business woman extraordinaire, and one heck of a wife and mother. Za best eva! Besides, with God, everything is possible
Temite: How many lovers have you had? hehehehehe. since i know you wont answer that question, silly girl, I will ask this one…what do you want in Mr. Vera?
Vera: Hehehehe. Dis ur first question get K leg oo. I would have actually answered, but since you assumed I wouldn’t, I have no choice but not to. That’s what you get for assuming things. As for Mr Vera, lemme bring out my list: First of all, Mr. Vera has to be God-fearing because the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Obviously, that means Mr. Vera has to be an intelligent, wise man. Mr Vera has to have an impeccable sense of humor, he has to be humble, assertive, a man of vision, and of course, he has to be totally crazy about me. Oh, no smoking and/or drinking, please. This is just a summary. The list is wayyyy longer. lol.
Funms-The-Rebirth: Wat’s one thing u will like people to see in you?
Vera: In me, I will like people to see God’s love and favor. It probably sounds like a cliche, but that is really what I want people to see in me (plus some amount of craziness, fabulosity, sweetness….alright fine, I want people to see the total package, darn it! That includes God’s love & favor o!)
Marjoram: What’s your favourite colour?
Vera: My favorite color is blue. It became my favorite color when I was in elementary school; and I was in the blue house which was called Lamingo. Don’t have a favorite shade of blue though.
Anonymous: (1). How will you define “Intelligence”? (2). Do you think everyone is born intelligent? (3). If yes, why are there some seemingly “dumb” people? (4). If No, How does one develop intelligence? (5) Is academic achievement a measure of intelligence? For example is an “A” student who seems not to study at all more intelligent than a “B” student who has to read extra hard to make an “A”? (6). If you had to choose between beauty devoid of brains and brains devoid of beauty, which will you choose?
Vera: Wow! Loadza questions. I love you, Anonymous Person. Lemme go get a cup of tea; I need to balance well to answer your questions.
1. Intelligence is being book-smart, street-smart, and wise….all rolled into one handsome virtue: intelligence. I’m glad you asked me this because I never really thought about the meaning of intelligence to me.
2. Yes, I think everyone is born intelligent. God is not foolish, and since we were all made in His image, we cannot be born foolish.
3. I am no expert, but I think there are some seemingly dumb people because they choose – unconsciously, albeit – to not make use of their intelligence. They reason differently, and perhaps, factor in things that should not be factored in.
4. All good things come from God. We pray to God for health and wealth, so why not intelligence? If you want more intelligence, pray to God for more intelligence, and then do your part – whatever it might be. If you’re looking to be more book smart, then read more and concerntrate more. If you’re looking to be more street smart, then you could still read more. Start with the book of Proverbs. Good stuff.
5. Academic achievement is only part of intelligence, so it’s not a complete measure. Besides, sometimes a student can Ace a course without putting in too much effort because he/she is naturally good @ it. I, for example, usually excel in writing assignments, courses, and essay questions. I usually don’t put too much effort into it; someone else find writing to be the most difficult thing ever. But when I took chemistry, I had to study extra, extra hard to ace it. Some others just breezed thru it.
6. This is the easiest question you have asked. I will definitely pick brains devoid of beauty. Beauty without brains is such a huge waste. Beauty can only take you so far, and even when it takes you there, it won’t keep you there. Brains will take you places, keep you there, and open doors you never even tried to get into.
Aloted: Honestly, what vices will you say you have?
Vera: Not a lot. I’m almost perfect. lol. I joke a lot, you know. It’s great a lot of times cos I crack people up, but sometimes, people are not in the mood to laugh. (I should mention, though that I have never cracked a joke during a burial, so I’m not all that bad.) Sometimes I try too hard to see the good in people…in spite of all the red flags. It is almost as if I am desperate to see some good in the person. My biggest vice right now is my sometimes wavering faith in God. Sometimes, the mountain just seems too big for God; I HATE feeling this way.
Miss Definitely Maybe: How open minded are you about finding the one, would you seriously consider someone who was blind, etc (seriously)
Vera: I’m quite open minded. I’m not gonna kid myself and say I’m open to marrying a Chinese Puerto Rican who lives in Jamaica and has a child by an Iraqian woman, but you know… I’m definitely open. 🙂 Obviously, I’d prefer that my love not be blind, but if he’s everything I ever wanted and blind, then screw that, blindness will not stop me.
Nefertiti: (1). What’s one misconception people have about you? (2). How tall are you?
Vera: (1). Because of how honestly I blog about my experiences (with yeye guys), I think I give off the impression that I am kinda sorta mean and maybe judgmental and unapproachable, which is really not the case. At the risk of tooting my own horns, I would like to say that I am very, very approachable and friendly. Alright, do I sound pathetic enough? I also wonder why people think I am a star/celebrity; that too is a misconception. If I am a star, I don’t know about it. When I become a star/celebrity, you will know. I will fashy Funmi, Busola, and Uju…right after they gimme my birthday gifts, of course.
(2). I’m 5’5″… although the other day I went for a checkup and the nurse took my height and had the audacity to tell me I was only 5 feet and four-three-quarter inches. Imagine the nonsense! How I go fit explain the remaining inches??? *hiss* Like I said, I’m 5’5″. That’s my story and I’m sticking 2 it.
Shona Vixen: Considering I’ve blogged about romance, What’s the most romantic thing you’ve done? and what’s the most stupid thing you’ve done all in the name of ‘love’?
Vera: Five years ago, the biggest crush of my life was sent to Iraq (he was in the military). I liked him sooo much. I never liked any1 as much as I liked him. While he was in Iraq, he called every now and then (when insurgents weren’t tryna blow his cute butt up); he emailed me frequently, and yahoo messenger was our bestest friend. So the romantic thing I did was every Saturday, I wrote him a letter. It was a letter telling him how things were going, things that happened that while he was away, how I missed him, etc. I never posted any of the letters. I never told him I wrote them either. I intended to give them all to him when he returned. But somewhere along the line sha, things ended abruptly (we weren’t dating by the way, just liking each other). I was still gonna give him the letters when he returned, but he pissed me off. In my anger, I ripped them up. I also printed out alllll our chats, and they were a lot too. Yeah, I ripped those up in my anger too. Wish I didn’t though. By the way, we’re friends now. I mean friends as in just friends. Never even kissed the guy. Ah, if I could turn back the hands of time…. lol. I seriously hope he doesn’t read this.
Dumbest thing I did for love? I borrowed money to a boyfriend. He’s now an ex. The money has still not been paid; it has gone to wherever unpaid money goes to. Hope he loses tripple that amount from every salary he receives. Yeah, I said it.
The Experiences of an Achiever: have you found THE GREAT LOVE yet?
Vera: No, I have not. The closest I came was my fine military man, but that wasn’t even love. That was extreme like. If nurtured, it would have probably become love. But there is no time for coulda-woulda-shouldas.
Just Toluwa: wats ur account # and how do i get ur signature?
Vera: LOL. Let’s do this the simple way. Gimme your account number. I’ll transfer some money to you; that way, you’ll have my account number. Send me a perfume, then I’ll send you a hand written thank-you note with my signature.
Temi: how come you have never visited my blog? i’mma paste a link and God help you if i dont see ur comment(lol)
Vera: LOL! My darling, I am sorry ooo! Have I really never visited your blog??? Well, consider than changed. God will not let me incure Temi’s wrath.
Fine Boy Agbero: “You promised all d male bloggers one child each, abi? Oya, when I go get my own? And I want am kia-kia o!”
Vera: Fine Boy Agbero, you have to let me know when you want your own. Whenever you’re ready, just meet me at my house so we can set the ball rolling. I must warn, we do have strong genes. Your child is likely gonna look like me.
Bumight: when last were u in a relationship and for how long?
Vera: Honestly, this is one question I was hoping I wouldn’t get asked. If I could explain it in ‘Facebook terminology,’ I would say “It’s complicated.” But for the purpose of Verastically Livin,’ the last time I was in a relationship was August 2007. And that lasted for two years – unfortunately. Wish it had ended sooner. lol.
Senator: (1). can u do silly things in a strange place where nobody knows u. (2). How ve u been telling suitor, pls am not interested. (3). what is d answer to your 2 truth 1 lie (4). which of my personal names do u like most?
Vera: Another multiple questionaire, ehn?
(1). It depends on what ‘silly things’ means. Sorry, Senator, I’m sure my answer is too vague for you, but your question is not totally clear.
(2). When you say ‘suitor,’ do you mean a man who asks for my hand in marriage or a man who is interested in dating me? I’m assuming you mean the former coz that’s what I’ve always known a suitor as. On that note, I have never had a suitor that is a potential husband. I mean, I’ve never any1 actually propose to me; I’ve only had men claim to want to marry me (a week after meeting me). And there are also those who want me to introduce them to my mother. But as what na??? When did we start history that we’re drawing map? Ehn to answer your question, I say ‘no’ as diplomatically as possible.
(3). Please refer to my reply to Standtall (the 3rd question).
(4). @onebox. Too funny
Buttercup: whats the one thing(or things) u wish to do that u’ve never done?
Vera: Apart from publishing my book & starting my businesses, I wish to fall in love.
Luscious Ron: Happy blog birthday. We should have a mini party abi what do you think?
Vera: You might not consider this a question, but since it ends with a question mark, I must answer. Yes, we should have a mini party. Where will you be hosting it for me, babe? By the way, did you really send me something thru NIPOST? E never reach o! Abi na traffic jam?
N.I.M.M.O: (1). So how has it been? (2). You promised male bloggers a child each, how you gonna do it?
Vera: (1) I’m assuming you’re talking about blogging. It’s been beautiful albeit many times challenging. There have been countless times that I did not feel like blogging, but I just willed myself to do it because I felt like people were counting on me to read something new. Plus, I paid for my domain name. lol.
(2). The old fashioned way, of course! Just come to my house when you’re ready and we’ll set the ball rolling. *wink*
Anonymous: Why do you have a P.O. Box or is it a joke?
Vera: LOL. I have the P. O. BOX for the same reason I have an email address and phone number: means of contact. And no, it is definitely not a joke. It works. You should try sending me a perfume to confirm that it’s not a joke. *wink*
Doug: Do you have siblings?
Vera: No, I do not. Yes, I know I have never, ever, ever, EVER mentioned that publicly, so go ahead and win the ‘Best Revealer of Vera’ Award. lol. Didn’t want y’ll to assume I’m spoilt (which is usually the assumption), but now that you know….. well, just know that my husband has his work cut out for him. I have to be spoilt o! And no, I am not currently spoilt. lol.
Rethots: Why will you not “…answer all the questions to….satisfaction.”?
Vera: Because I anticipated that some of the questions might be risqué, so I had to put out a disclaimer. You know now! lol.
Zara (my alter ego): what do u weigh?
Vera: I don’t weigh myself. I hear people have heart attacks by the knowledge of their weight. Besides, I think all the weights are broken. Dat’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
Vera: Anonymous, answering the question would take all the fun out of it. You can find out for yourself.
Femi B: How are you now?
Vera: This might not be a real question, but my dear, I am fine.
Danny Bagucci: if you had 3 words to describe yourself what would they be?
Vera: Only 3 words?????????? Danny, you wan kill me?! LOL. Okay, let’s see: jovial, loving, and a wee bit spoilt… in spite of what I may have told Doug, but sssshhh, don’t tell him. [Can I add other words like beaurriful, funny, loyal, energetic, fun, blessed, favored, nice, sweet, kind-hearted, friendly, outgoing, totally loveable….. you understand now!]
Thank you all sooooooooooooo much for your lovely questions! This has been fun. Now I can resume my regular blogging routine. Thank you to all those wished me congratulatory messages too; you guys rock! And thanks to those who sent me emails…you deserve some Verastic hugs & kisses.
P.S. To those who subscribe (or rather attempt to subscribe) to Verastically Livin’ through email: after you submit your email address, you will receive a confirmation email. Please make sure you confirm the subscription. There are a buncha email addresses that are not confirmed. I guess I could email all the unconfirmed email addresses.
This is definitely my longest post. I apologize. See you on Thursday, February 5th 2009.
TEMITE WHERE ARE YOU???!!!!!!!!!!!! *sticking tongue out*
dang it
i had to go the restroom and now i’m fourth
sniffle sniffle
i saw it first tho
aww, i cant believe u actually answered my question, i have been looking over my shoulder since i typed that question…i have a gift for u on my blog too…
arghhhhhhhhhhhhh. I am so sick really. Bumight, enjoy it while you have it though. Vera boo I will be back tomorrow after I have left the death’s door. my head hurts o, my neck hurts. in fact it hurts evrywhere. See I am here to show my love env though I am so freaking sick.
so I couldnt wait to read your verastic answer, although my temperature is like 90 degrees right now. urghhhhh I am craving garri too but I dont want to get out of bed o jare. Err LOVED the answer. But please, I have to point out something to you, errr you cannot give FBA a son o. Nobody is going near my husband, abi you didnt hear ni? he is my husband and you SHALL not be going near him at all. Now that I have put my foot down, thanks for answering my kwersions dear. errr me like your list. I shall be on the lookout for such a man.
Nice stuff — Verastically answered….. Actually thought we would have a Sarah Palin-esque conference – where the difficult questions would be shunted…….We need t verify that POBox ASAP.. lol…
Your longest post, yeah….but it was worth every minute spent reading it.
But chei, why did i ‘slack’ and not ask you any questions? E dey pain me o! All because i was scared for you that you’d be so seriously bombarded with questions that you wouldn’t know where to start answering them from. You try, no be small.
Interesting questions. I am suprised you did not get any risque ones, unless you screened them out.
Vera, stop begging for perfume. Although if we are anything alike, you probably don’t believe in buying it for yourself. In which case, keep angling for it. Someone might just send you a bottle that we can split in 2!
I enjoyed dis question & answer very much. save for it, i wouldn't have guessed u were an only child! hmm, is dat why u live at home?
wow.. im done with the post… I wasnt sure it would end 🙂
good read Vera… nice of you to take the time out to answer all these questions.
Have a great week…
This is a long post o!
I didnt get the answer right. No P. I tried.
Anonymous really drilled you o and you are up to the task
hmm..well I missed this year’s. I have already started compiling the questions for next year + the fact that I am probably the only one with your photo, which at this moment is nestled comfortably in my breast pocket.
vera nwa mama, wait for me. you want risque questions?, you will get them from me.
Vera, you tried gan o! Answering all these questions!
I love your person!
I’ve been gone for THAT long that I missed this? Damn…lol.
yes oh it wasnt a real question, I was just greeting you ..but thanks for answering
Great answers in a very verastic way!!!
loved reading this..and i would never have guessed u didnt have any siblings…hope u didnt feel lonely as a child..
so u have no vices huh…:)
lmao..ok, i’ll send it very soon! lol!
love ur blog. Hope my questions aren’t coming in too late to be answered oh.
Just have two questions
1. Do u still braid hair?
2. Have u published ur novel….bottomless pit??
Lord have mercy, see NIMMO’s question. The guy is looking for you to birth children for male bloggers? WOAH!!!
Nice one. Some of the Qs are too much.
How far Vera?
now i feel like i know so much about u…… we r bffs…lol
is it only perfume u want? i was thinking of sending u a bag but oh well u didnt ask
another funny post
you miss not having any siblings?????
Vera! How u take finish all those questions? Omo, I carry yansh for u o. I was looking at over 50 comments in ur last post, and I must admit I was scared for u. You try no be small o!
@ ur answer to my question: abi u don dey shrink ni?
Well done for answering all the questions Vera. I was thinking, gosh this girl will spend hours typing the next post by the time bloggers send her questions.
I know what you mean about publishing the books and starting the $800k a month business – you go girl! You and me both 🙂
I feel like I know you better now after reading all your answers! *wink*
u didnt answer my question.. but knew u wudnt.. i wudnt too..! ure an only child?? aww.. how cute! hehe
Really, Vera! Vera! Vera, when are YOU getting married? When are WE getting married?
Bumight: LOL! You're on fire oh. Ain't no stopping you, I see. Biko stop taunting my Temite. U have a gift 4 me on ur blog? Yippee!
Kafo: LOL. Poor you. Don't mind Bumight. I dunno why she just came here and stole your position. Imagine!
Temite: Ah, they have gotten you. Your enemies have finally gotten to you. Wetin dey sick you na? I think it has something to do with all your support for Beyonce. Her haters have done something 2 u. Don't worry; it shall be well, okay?
Danny Bagucci: LOL. I agree with you. We really, really need to verify that P. O. BOX immediately.
Vivacious n Chic: Awww. You shoulda asked oo! I woulda answered anything. I wouldn't have minded @ all. If you wanna, you can still ask between now and Wednesday. I'll answer @ the bottom of my next post.
In my head & around me: LOL. A perfume that we can split in two ehn?? You no serious! Well, I do buy myself perfumes, but I won't deny that it feels better when I receive them as gifts. Speaking of which, I just received two on Friday. Woohoo! And no, you can't have one! 🙂
FFF: LOL. I never wanted to reveal that fact. I'm kinda scared of being on my own sha. I mean I dream of it, but….I want my mommy & my daddy! lol. Still wanna pout and tell my mommy that I'm hungry and too tired to cook noodles.
Diamond Hawk: Thanks, boo. You read it all, huh? Aren't you wonderful? Thanks again 4 the book. You're like totally awesome dude!
Standtall: Yeah, babe. Anonymous really drilled me. He/she was not playing! But I didn't mind sha. I had to actually skip his/her question and come back 2 it later. Sorry about getting the true lies wrong. Better luck next time, boo. *kisses*
Dante: Dante b'anyi, how now? You still have that my foto nestled in your breast pocket ehn? Oh, na me biko! I dey wait for you sha. Ke kwa'n k'imelu?
Write FreaK: Awww. Thanks, boo. You should really see me blushing right now. lol. Don't blame me.
Darius: Yes, darling, you've been gone 4 that long, and I AM hurt! lol. How r u, honey?
Femi B: Any thing for you, love. *muah*
No Limit: Thanks, darling! I’m glad you liked it.
Aloted: Hehehehe. Well, of course, I do. It’s just hard to think of them. lol.
Just Toluwa: I’m waiting, boo!
BrownSugar: Who are you???? Reveal yourself ooo! Anyway, no I do not braid hair anymore. Gosh, it takes tooooooo long. No, I have not published the novel. I never actually completed it. I started writing something else.
Solomon Sydelle: Indeed, some of the questions are something else. But I tried to answer them sha.
Funms The Rebirth: Ah!! Don’t deny me of a possible bag oo! If you wanna send me a bag, then please go ahead. Who am I to stop you? LOL.
Ibiluv: Thanks, darling. I used to miss not having siblings when I was a child, but now, I’m totally over it.
Nefertiti: LOL @ carrying yansh for me. My dear, I started responding to the questions as soon as they started being posted. I didn’t wanna wait till the last minute abeg.
Favored Girl: Thanks, darling! How are you doing with your own book? Hope things are going well sha; it’s not easy, but with God, all things are possible, right? $800K a month? Ah, so be it in Jesus’ name.
Zara: LOL. Yeye girl. Yes, oh. I am an only pikin.
The Secret Diary: You know how it works. Just propose and we’ll set the ball rolling.
Oh my days, I cant believe you answered all this questions..I will definately never do this thing cos there wont be a follow up with the answers lai lai…
lmao @ ur missing inches..ole…well that means u r some inches taller than me…
BTW, I have gone into my coner to think out my own question…
sorry this question is late but who are your friends i mean real friends?
I’m Verastically impressed, u actually answered all these plenty, plenty questions.
Oya clap 4 yasef!
Darling Vera, you deserve an award for answering all the many many kwesions. This time I will send it through UPS seeing as NIPOST messed us up the last time.
I see Bumight has taken over from Temite. Really those chicas have to give me some of their tea. I shall need it for the next few weeks.
meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen u tried by answering them all. well done. as for me no questions…
Hiding pegs in your bra/breast isnt a good idea o. You may get hurt.
You put a lot of effort into answering all the questions. Hope u had as much fun as I had reading the answers.
ahahah… u guyz should have seen her running home on monday talking about i have a scheduled post to finish! anyways, whatever.
i thought about a crazy question to ask but none came to my medulla. lol….. Vera this ur anomymous person is someone you know for sure!
Hmmm, when i finish composing my question i shall definitely indulge you.
too bad you have closed the question bank.Would have really liked to ask one as well.but it was quite an interesting read!!!
Afrobabe: You should totally do one. I can already imagine the kinda questions you'll be getting. Hehehehe.
Anonymous: This your question…. hmmmm! Why do I feel like I know you? Anyway, I'll answer @ the next post.
Mizchif: Thanks, darling. I think I deserve a free physical for this; what do you think?
Luscious Ron: My dear, I have been standing by the mail box since my birthday ooo. In fact, I have not gone home or taken a shower because I have been waiting, but to no avail. This NIPOST nawa o! LOL. lol @ Bumight & Temite. They r on another level.
Jaguda: Thanks, darling. E no easy, but it was loadza fun.
Standtall: Follow me laugh oh, my sister.
OluwaDee: I definitely had a lotta fun answering them; I'm glad you enjoyed reading them. Guess I need to figure out a new hiding place for the pegs then.
Funmie: Yeah, I know it's definite;y some1 I know, but I know the Anonymous person will never reveal him/herself, so wetin man pikin go do?? lol @ me running home.
Rethots: Bring it on!! I full ground (abi how dem dey say am?)
Koolaries: Awww. Well, I'm flexible….and nice, of course. LOL. You're welcome to ask. I'll answer still.
See u soon!
interesting answers vera!
i hope n pray u find true love!!
So nice of you to answer ALL the questions…I loved reading this! You’re an only child? Awww….
See, I learnt more about you already!
Why do I love your blog so much?
keep up the good work
FBA: I dey wait. But abeg, no tell Temite say you dey come here oh. I no wan trouble abeg. I don’t want her to take her love away from me either. lol.
Buttercup: Like you abi? I’m not jealous oo! *Vera’s eyes turning green out of envy* I’m not jealous @ allll. LOL.
SimpleGal: Yes oh, I’m an only child. I’m glad you enjoyed reading this.
Anonymous: It must be because of the fasting I prayer I have been doing that my blog should hook people. Thanks, boo!
Anonymous, I decided to answer your question here instead.
My [female] friends are Funmi, Busola, Uju, and Dee.
Afrobabe & Kool Aries: Bring your questions on.
Oh my God..
I should have asked a question..
Can we have belated questions?LOL
That was a long post and I enjoyed every bit of it..You rly tried ooo
No siblings? If my memory served me right, I thought in one of your posts you blogged about your dad's patient coming to call him at home then used the toilet? It had something about your siblings there!
Couldnt agree more with that, very attractive article