Lemme rewind to that moment.
I started this blog in January 2006, and at that time, I knew only one other Naija blogger. She has since stopped blogging. I don’t even remember her name and/or her blog. In 2006, I blog tire oh!! I blogged my heart out. More than half of my entire blog posts were done in 2006. You can say it was a very good year for me – Blogville wise. I met a lotta bloggers too (virtually, that is).
Anyway, TaureanMinx (who has disappeared off the face of Blogville along with many of my former Blogville colleagues) and Azuka came up with the Blogville Awards (which was a very good idea, by the way). The categories were listed on Tminx’s blog, and people – bloggers and anonymous people alike got a chance to vote. I was kinda-sorta-new-but-not-really, so I didn’t vote (I think). In fact, I didn’t really follow that voting thing (I’m thinking). Imagine my pleasant surprise when I found out that I had won the category of Blogger I’d Most Like To Meet. I happy no be small oh. I was elated!!
So why am I bringing this up now??? I mean, it’s been what…two years??? Well, I need a favor. Actually, I need two. And they both require me meeting you…or you meeting me – however this works.
Favor Number 1: I’m taking a class. It’s called Psychology of Human Sexuality. It’s been interesting. I have to do an observation where I watch human interaction…blah blah blah. Be still, oh beating heart of my reader. I am not proposing that you have sex with someone while I watch – unless you insist, of course. And no, you don’t have to have sex with me either. Instead, I’m gonna be going to a strip club for guys (as in where women strip) to watch. I’ve never been into any kind of strip club, so this should be an interesting experience. I’m not quite sure what to expect, but I will go there with an open heart…(is that possible?). My professor and the rest of my classmates insist that I take a guy for my safety. And therein, lies the problem: who to take??? If you’re up for the challenge, let me know. Of course, you’ll have to be in the general vicinity of Baltimore, Maryland.
Favor Number 2: I cannot give details here because it’s a secret…even Funmi doesn’t know. But what I do know is that she will be calling me as soon as she reads this. Note to Funmi: Don’t bother asking; I won’t tell. For this favor, we’ll also have to meet. If you think you might be interested, let me know. When you contact me, I will discuss the details with you. I can probably find someone without advertising this on my blog, but I figured I might as well make use of that two year old award (logo) of mine. LOL.
P.S. That Blogger Award thing was really fun. Someone (meaning anyone other than me) should try it this year. You can view the results on Tminx’s page HERE. You should read the comments too. Very funny. LOL.
Am i 1st?!
lol. I hope u won’t be swamped by requests to accompany u to the strip club. Which kind research be that one??
I’m thousands of miles away, i’d have volunteered for favor 2.
Well, we’re waiting to hear what it’s about AFTER the research, or is it still going to be a secret then???
am 3rd
nawa o…pls let us know how the experiement or sorry observation goes o…and who u went with
i am miles far away but then again..strip club sha…lol
if only i dey Laryland, i 4 generously voluteered myself. but am not a man, so wetin go happen? 2 ladies, will we look like le-les? hmmm. anyways sha, wish u look. eh, abeg i wan know, na wetin go send u go dey do dat kain course sef?
“Ruffin’ It” is launched!!! If u haven’t been there, follow my link …
you want a blogger to be your date to a strip club.
vera, i have no words for your verasticity.
eeyah! am in NY..sowee!
Take me please. I will undergo a sexual transformation for you. Just say the word.
Hope you have had some luck. As per the awards, it will be nice if someone takes it on..
Sorry I can’t help on either count but can see why you won that award. I wouldn’t be surprised if you won it again.
I wonder what Funmi has to say about this…lol.
Sorry can’t help, but funnily enough we will be talking about ‘poles’ on Friday. lol!
Vivacious n Chic: No, it definitely will not be a secret after the 'research' lol. It's very silly, really…sort of, but I'll definitely blog about it when I'm done.
QMoney: Yes, you are darling. Technically, you're second sef coz Vivacious n Chic posted twice.
Aloted: It's so unfortunate that sooo many of you are miles away *weepeing*
FFF: LOL. No, I don't think we'll look like le-les per se, but I don't think it'd be safe for us (two ladies) to be in the middle of a bunch of possibly very horny guys with no serious testosterone to back us up. Dem fit do us something ooo! lol. Anyways, I'll check your link out 4 sure.
Geisha Song: Kai this girl. You fit wound oo. No, I do not want a blogger to be my 'date' to a strip club. I want a person who is anatomically different from – blogger or not – to accompany me to the strip club where he is free to 'react' to what he sees. In other words, he is welcome ehm… rise & fall as he pleases. lol. Shoot, it was all Funmi's idea that I blog about this.
Just Toluwa: Kai…! Nawa oh. This sucks…!!! *weeping*
LusciousRon: LOL. The word has been said!! You have there4 been appointed to come along with me.
Ababoy: Yes, I really do hope I have some luck. As for the awards…oh well. But it seems like something that Standtall will be good @
Naapali: You sef! By the way, you still owe me oh. Whatever happened to coming 2 MD to stitch/sew my leg back? I have been walking around on one leg ever since. It'd be nice 2 win again, but it wouldn't matter if no1 is actually willing 2 meet. lol
Jaycee: It was all Funmi's idea that I blog about this and get someone to accompany me 2 the club. In fact, she had some very weird rules which I gladly ignored.
Solomonsydelle: I don't wanna talk 2 you if you can't help. We're soooo not kool anymore!
see, I’d have signed up to help you (seeing as there is a strip club nt too far from my house), but…
VERA! do i get to pick the sprit club. cos if thats the case i got this, Bmore is just a I95 drive away. we’ll even take Funmie along maibe she can learn a thing or 20.
im more interested in favor 2 sha. but if im on for favor 2 i wont trust myself not to spill the watery beans b4 the favor has been fulfilled. cos all this classified information wey u dey do. seems as if na juju u wan take person do sef.
Blogger I would most like to meet?
Er…You mean blogger I would most like to stran…?
That would make far more sense, lol!
Girl, you awight jare:-)
a strip club i so wanna go……
…….go as a group of gals….if u cant find a male to go with that wont get *hard* then want to relive himself!!!!!!!!!!!
Bumight: But what…???
ChiefO: Sorry to disappoint you, but you're not eligible for Favor Number 2. I can't explain why. lol. You're eligible for Favor Number 1 though. I'm sure you know where the strip clubs are even though you live all the way in NY. And yes, you can pick the club.
Naijalines: Come off it. U know u love me. lol. Don't worry, I love you right back, baby. *wink, wink*
Ibiluv: LOL. Get hard & wanna relieve himself? Well, I'll just forward him 2 Funmi's house, that's all. lol.
Vera darling,
You are not trying to say that in all of Baltimore, you do not have one male friend who you could ask to go to a strip club with for your class project? I don’t believe it! I think you’re just trying to meet some fine blogville fellas!
Shameless hussy 😉
Fav 1 – Like LR, I will do a sex change to fulfill favour one and as for favour two- Pls I will make the trip o. All you needs to do is tell me When and where o my sister for both favors. P.S I can keep a secret too. Pls take me (Temite flashes her winning smile). Did it work?
Hmmm, i like this ur class o, pls where can i sign up.
I’ve actually been to a strip club, ok two actually, i mite blog abt it if u ask me real nicely.
But really, u should make it a party, maybe 4 girls and a guy, should be fun.
Can’t wait to hear what number 2 is about.
vera you are full of shit… wat d hell? you stole half my idea, i told you to have the guyz send in their pix so that we can validate their cuteness and tallness and sexiness… arrrhggggghhhhh i am so freaking pissed of at yyou now i wanna curse but dang i”m too much of a lady…
vera u suck sha….. ok plss now tell me…..
i wish a very ugly blogger guy shows up and u are embarrased and then i can have d last laugh….vERA infact i wish no one shows up at alll…. for keeping that favor numba 2 from me? waka waka to you.
we need to have a meeing about his for real ( insidet joke)./..LOLOLLLL
vera…. is this about my blind date setup? the tall, sexy, rich, chocolatey skin YORUBA guy? if yes ok! then. thanx for keeping it a secret… if no i PORKING HATE YOU… arrrrrrgggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
reading the comments again from that award thingy was funny…
anyways I believe I took a similar class in college but I dont recall having to go to a strip club… hmmm Vera… I’m suspecting u… just go to a strip club to ba fe lo… no need for u to say it’s because of class… 🙂
kai and I for like be your blogger to meet o but ehm i am not even lose to b’more at the moment…sorry ehear vera? don’t cry o?
all these bloggers wey don wan see ur face tey tey u no gree. now wey u need person wey u go take do juju (class project) u dey find them.
as for me being disqualified, i accept cos i think i have an idea what it entails. good luck finding lab rat for ur experiment o.
Please throw more light on favour 2 🙂
All the best with the observation and am sure interested in the results…
That blogger award was nice…
Of Course I love you babes;-)
About that profile pic, what was misleading about it o and what was it really? Pray tell.
Good Naija Gal: See, all this time, I thought we were friends, but now, I know better! LOL. How dare you accuse me of being a shameless hussy? There r people that I could ask to go with me BUT too many conditions that I cannot get into. lol.
Temite: My love, you're welcome 2 do a sex change. You know if you were in MD, I wouldn't even need 2 be blogging about this. I'll just call you up on the phone and invite you. But as soon as you do the sex change, pls come over.
Mizchif: Okay, love blog about it…pretty please…!!! I can't make it a party. This is supposed to be a school-related, remember? I don't want too many distractions, which is why I won't even be taking Funmi along with me. All she will do is distract me the entire night. I really wish I could go there myself. Better yet, I wish my friend M were in town to take me. Hmm.
Funmie: I'm so exhausted by both of your comments that I'm not quite sure how to reply you sef. No, I am not looking for a blind date for you. Me wey never get boyfriend, na you I go dey find man for? *hiss* lol. As for your rules, forget them! I'm still not gonna take them. If I don't find someone here, I'll just have to switch to plan B: take Funmi's dad. lol
Diamond: U don kolo finish. I don't have to go to a strip club. I've chosen to go to one. Perhaps, I should have made things clearer in my post. I just don't like lengthy posts. Everyone picks an interesting sight. People r picking spots like gay/transsexual clubs et al, so me sef, I had to pick an interesting venue…hence the strip club
Chari: I know my dear. It's quite unfortunate, innit? But r u sure there's no shortcut bw Lagos & Yankee? lol. If there is, then perhaps, you could meet me halfway??? lol
ChiefO: lol. Don't worry, an experiment where you'll qualify might coming to your area soon. Until then, stop hating!
Rita: My dear, I'm equally interested in the results too. I need to get it over with ASAP, so I can write my however many pages of report and hand it in on time. Favor #2 is really not a big deal, but I'll definitely blog about it when I'm done.
Naijalines: My lips cannot say what I thought it was. Abi my fingers cannot type what I thought it was the first time I saw it. If I say it, I'll be accused of having a dirty mind, which I sooo do not have. lol.
Oh yeah? And I’m Mother Theresa!
Anyway, that’s why I changed it. It was not Naijalines. Naijalines likes to leave plenty to the imagination so thanks for the support albeit riveted by naughty thoughts…hmm.
I’m 32nd – YAY!
Can I just say that I absolutely love meeting bloggers…like for real.
but the only trip I’ll be taking to baltimore anytime soon is to pray as in Festival of life
and i cant go to strip club from church abi?
Naijalines: I don’t like the tone of this ur comment oh. Do I detect sarcasm? Are you implying that I am naughty? Stop it oh. Don’t mislead this beaurriful bloggers abeg. I like this picture better anyway. I think it’s more you too.
Darius: I love meeting bloggers too! lol @ being 32nd. Sorry 2 burst ur bubble, but I don’t think they offer any awards 4 that. Hehehe
Bumight: What if you go to the strip club first? lol.
oh wow that blogger award thing was really fun… i think i won something… lol the stripclub is fun(well in my extensive experience.. having been there 2wice.. one in canada.. the other in Nigeria.. owerri for that matter.. lol)… but um yeah i can dress up in guy clothes and take off my heels for your sake… after that we can have drinks and go along with whatever the night brings… lol… miss u my baby… how r u?
oh it was scandalous blogger i won.. i have long since taken off my mini skirts, blonde blonde hair and my multiple piercings.. joined an emotional convent and spend most of my time watching the situation room on cnn… oh how things have changed…
Vera baby,
If you can wait for me to get an American Visa and book my ticket I will be more than willing to escort you to a strip club.
I think you’d be the best person to do the blogger awards for this year…what do u think?
Am i late? Nah….. I want to visit a strip club. I hear dere r some in lag and i av bn beggin my hubby to show me. I went to a club on saturday dat had d pole n I went swinging n dancing wit it (i didn’t strip n my husband was dere). If i come to d states in jan-feb i’ll ax for d joint…lol.
Ur blog too de trip me.
Overwhelmed: Babes, you really were bad o! So you watch the situation room on CNN too? Me too! And I love Anderson 360 too. But I spend most of my time on MSNBC watching Keith Olberman on Countdown, Chris Mattews on Hardball, and Rachel Maddow on the Rachel Maddow show.
Naijaleta: I will wait 4 u!! When r u gonna buy the ticket & come? Hurry up please!!! I'm waiting ooo
Rita: Lai lai. You cannot get me oh. I will not do the blogger awards this year or any other year for that matter. I no do. Unless of course, each of you donate one range rover to my cause. Wetin you think?? *wink, wink*
Nikki Sab: LOL @ my blog tripping you. Abeg, continue to dey trip oh. When you trip, me sef, I trip. lol. By the way, what kinda strip club will your hubby take you to? One where men strip? Or one where women strip?