I can just see all the lesbians dancing around because finally, Vera Ezimora is gay. I have always known that girls want me. No girl has ever asked me out, but it is my belief that they all want me anyway. I’m looking forward to my first day of being asked out by a chic. Sweeeeet! It’ll become official that Vera Ezimora is hot to anyone and everyone. Expect a blog post!
But since I’m not gay, you can now pick your jaw from the floor. Sometime last week, Nigeria passed a homophobic law (that’s not the actual name of the law). I am paraphrasing here, but the law basically states that homosexuality in Nigeria is illegal and punishable by prison time. If you’re convicted of the act of homosexuality, you will be sentenced to ten years in prison. If you’re convicted of aiding and abetting homosexuality (like owning a gay bar), you will be sentenced to fourteen years in prison. You are not allowed to marry someone of the same sex, and you are not allowed to publicly display affections for persons of the same sex. If you marry someone of the same sex outside Nigeria, your marriage will not be recognized or honored in Nigeria.
After finding out about this new law, I put up a Facebook status instructing lightening to strike the makers of the law three times. To this, I got many, many comments – over ninety of them. Most of the comments supported the law for one or more of the following reasons (and my thoughts are in parenthesis and italics):
1. Homosexuality is a sin (so is adultery and fornication. Why don’t we have a law against them?)
2. It is against our culture to be homosexuals (And it’s for our culture to be pedophiles, rapists, murderers, and thieves?)
3. Homosexuality was brought to Nigeria by the Western people (Ehm, but it’s been around since before the time of Jesus).
4. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of homosexuality (No. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for many things like incest, murder, and homosexuality).
5. There are now too many gay people in Nigeria (Who took a previous count of them before?).
6. The law makers are doing their job (Which is …?)
7. Only a gay person (like me) will be affected by this law (I cannot justify this comment with an answer).
8. If our forefathers were gay, we all will not be here today (Yes, we will. Some of them would have still been straight).
9. If homosexuality must be allowed in Nigeria, then so should incest and pedophilia since they’re both choices (The two cannot and should not be ever compared).
10. We are a religious nation. We don’t commit this type of evil (Errr. No, we’re not. And yes, we do.)
If it is true that laws are made for order and good governance, then why was this law made? It does not solve any problem, and clearly, it will only make things worse in Nigeria. Nigeria has way too many problems at this time, like our corrupt leaders, lack of petroleum, lack of food, poor education, poverty, lack of a working health system, lack of electricity, lack of water, bad roads, Boko Haram, and many, many more. How can homosexuality possibly be the priority right now?
If all the homosexuals are put in prison, will that eliminate their gayness? And if all the homosexuals are locked up in prison, then where will the real criminals stay? Speaking of which, the Boko Haram spokesperson that was caught has now been sentenced to prison: three (3) years. And the senator who was implicated in the issue is free to go. Don’t we just have a great judicial system?
This past Saturday, I, my co-host (Niyi), and my callers spent two hours on the show deliberating on the morality of this new law. It was a hot conversation – naturally. If you missed the show, you can listen to it HERE. Let me know what you think when you’re done.
I had intended to write so much more, but after facebooking, tweeting, and talking about it for the past few days, writing about it seems like such a hassle. But I have to mention, though, that I was so disappointed in how judgmental people were when they thought I was gay. Some people told me they were going to unfriend me because I was gay. With almost 5,000 facebook friends, you can see how unmoved I was by their threatened unfriendship. But that was just what I suffered for one day. Imagine what the actual gay people have to go through EVERY DAY.
Let’s be human. This shouldn’t be about Nigeria, culture, or religion. This should simply be about humanity. I am not in support of homosexuality. Because I am a bible-believing Christian, I do solemnly believe that homosexuality is a sin, just like adultery and fornication. I do not understand homosexuality, nor do I have much interest in doing so. But if I am who I say I am (a daughter of the Most High God), then it is not my place to judge the gay people. On that note, neither is it my place to send them to jail or criminalize their acts. Homosexuality is not like incest or pedophilia or rape or theft or murder where people get hurt. The most and best I can do is pray. Isn’t that what Jesus did? And isn’t that what He will do today? But you don’t have to be a Christian to adopt this view. You just have to be human. Live and let live. Okay, I’m gonna stop preaching now.
On the plus (and very scary) side, I now have 25 days to my unveiling! *INSERT LOUD IGBO SCREAM* On January 1st 2012, my anonymity will be gone. If you know nothing about this development, then please read this post to find out more. Many people have asked me if I’m serious about that, and the answer is yes. I couldn’t be more serious. Nervous, yes. Anxious, yes. Serious, definite yes.
>>> Join me on Facebook and on Twitter. Let’s talk <<<
Vera, I can’t discuss this again, I just came by to say hi. I haven’t been here in a while. The whole thing saddens me, it’s an actual scam to make Nigerians think their law makers are doing something, when in reality it’s all smoke and shadows. When that Nigerian senator married the 12yr old Egptian girl, and absolutely nothing happened to him, that’s when I knew how it was going to be for a long time with the Nigerian government.
Moving on to more Verastic issues, how many outfits will you model during your coming out? I heard rumours of designer wear on Twitter. Please make sure you add wrapper to that mix, maybe head tie as well as per a correct Igbo daughter 🙂
Caramel: Hahahaha @ wrapper. You know what? That’s not even a bad idea, but not for my coming out abeg. I have to come out looking like I’m sweet 16 before I dive into the wrapper part. Per the law, nne, the thing tire me oh. We are so backward, and we don’t even know it.
Am happy dat some1 stil share d same veiws wit me on d issue od illegalizin same sex in nigeria. Am not a les or gay nd has neva bin in surpport of it, but @ dis stage we re in dis country I blive dere re more important tins nd sector d government shud look into nd b very security alert. Same sex is a sin but so is fornication nd adultry wic can neva b stop instead it wil b done secretely nd dey wil not b opportune 4 consellin dat cud bring repentance.
Alos dis act re mostly indulge in by d soceital figures d ritualist d occultise so hw do u bring dem 2 justice wen dey re not brough 2 justice 4 corruptions, drugs murders etc. Finally who invovels more in anal sex nd wat is d difference btw anal sex nd same sex? Oh pls nigeria grow up nd fix ur problems not blamin it in irrelevant issues cosd nd startd by demselves.I take a bow
Jennifer Owolo: I love your point about the anal sex. If homosexuality is wrong, then what about anal sex? To take it further, what about using sex toys, too? And threesomes? Oh, well.
Ah, Vera. To be honest, you and I are on the same page except for the whole ‘teh ghey is a sin’ bit. I think that’s where the line is between tolerance and acceptance, but in the end, there’s no point in entering a theological debate because it’s between a person and God, period. What matters now is that we dey for the same side of this issue, and that’s good enough for me. I don’t think it’s by force that everyone should be spreading rainbow glitter with me and my Igbotic queerness (although glitter is so very fun), diversity of opinion is everyone’s right. It’s only when people try to infringe on my own rights in the name of their beliefs that I have beef, and since you’re doing the opposite of that, eh heh. O di nma. I guess I’m trying to say that as a queer Christian, I do disagree with your belief re: it being a sin, but I respect that we see differently on it and I’m grateful to consider you an ally. The rest is God’s business, not ours.
Besides, that goat I saved for you is getting fattened up nicely, and I might even have some tombo to send along with it 😉 But first, I must wait for the unveiling. It’s nothing personal, I just have to make sure your fyneness is worthy of a whole goat, you know? Lol.
Z!! That’s how you feel? You first have to see my face before you send my fattened goat? Well, guess what? After you see me, you’ll be asking for my number. I understand that you have it already, but you will want it again. I can’t wait for my tombo leekwo (in Zebudaya’s voice).
I do understand your stand on homosexuality not being a sin. That’s all well and good. Like you said, that’s God’s business not ours – especially not mine. Baba God doesn’t need my help.
Biko, send my goat and stop misyarning.
Oh wow! Vera is supporting gay 🙁 🙁 , not fair oo !
Femi, how we for take do?
I am even tired of reading this new law or what everyone has to say about it. I like post by the way, but our people are judgmental of the wrong things. We go around reading unnecessary meanings to the least of issues. There are too many issues wrong with the country and the only thing our over-payed representative and should I say siddon look President is concerned about is Gay issues.
Lara, you’re right. They’re over judgmental over the wrongest things. Which one is gay issues now of all things? *sigh* Like you, I’m equally tired of talking about this issue. Even while I was typing the post, I was exhausted just thinking about it.
So in order to justify ur stand, ur points come from the fact dt nothing is done about other evils in d society? Dts like saying since one person does wrong, it is ok for everybody to…
U complain lawmakers don’t do their jobs, yet when they did one here to abolish homosexuality, u claim there r more important issues to tackle (more important in whose standards? Cos if someother issue were tackled, people will still say they are others ‘more important’! Jeez!!!).
U also mentioned other crimes existin in the society buh fail to realise laws have already bn passed against those and they have their penalties… So what is ur point exactly? R there no more right and wrong?
If u ever really need to take a stand for or against an issue in future, I’d advise that u state valid points other than ‘since one wrong exists, another wrong should b allowed’.
IJ, thanks for reading. Normally, I would address every alleged point you made, but today, I’m too tired. Be blessed.
I agree that the NASS were hasty in passing this bill, there are more pressing concerns. But they are still our lawmakers and now is not the time too call them asses or whatever, but to engage with the reps and with Goodluck to ensure that it doesn’t get passed into law.
Myne: LOL @ not calling the law makers asses. Engage the law makers, ke? Is that even possible?
You surprised me, Verastic. I had “dumped” your site, having found the discourse “conventional” but you did different today. Glad I gave you a second chance lol. Hugs.
Aaaaah. Thank God for small mercies and second chances. Thanks for reading again (((HUGS)))
1. “Homosexuality is a sin just like fornication and theft”, eeh, people should commit the sins in their bedrooms. The senate did not say gay people should not do whatever they like in their bedrooms
2. This is not about religion Christianity/Islam, it is about the Nigerian people and their way of life. Westerners think anything that is good in the west must be good for Nigeria. They brought Christianity and set our traditional places of worship ablaze, then turning back to tell us that Christianity is not good, neither is our fore fathers way of worship good
3. They brought democracy because it is good for them, judge whether, the democracy in Nigeria is better than what we had before democracy. People are not yet socially independent in Nigeria as they are in the West. If one person practices homosexuality in a village, it affects his brothers, cousins, parents, cousins’s cousin … brother’s friend’s inlaw. In America/Europe you simply walk away, if you don’t have a job you claim job seekers allowance or social security benefit.
4. If people are allowed to practice homosexuality in public, then paedophile and incest should be allowed to reign too. Because they were born that way. If you fall in love with your sister/brother, go ahead and marry her/him, we are in a free world; no one should be denied his human right. People should sleep with and marry their mothers if they fancy them
5. The western world should allow people marry as many wives as they like, provided all the women/men assent to being second or third wife/husbands. Most people are born to love many men/women , thus limiting them to one wife by legal code (bigamy) is against their fundamental human rights
6. People in medicine say HIV/AIDS are more prevalent among gay men. If homosexuality brings more problems such as AIDS or something else, how would Nigeria add that one to its list of problems? A country where ordinary headache and malaria kill millions every year.
7. America and Europe solved their electricity, water and health problems before accepting homosexuality. Nigeria should solve its problems first before jamboring with homo and gay
8. Mind you, gay marriage is legal in only 5 USA states. How about the other 45 states?
9. The bill is not a law yet. Senate only passed the bill, it still has to go through the lower house (house of representatives), before going to the president for assent, before it hopefully becomes a law if the lower house does not amend or reject it
10. For the first time (since 1998 when democracy returned to Nigeria), this is the only bill by the senate that most Nigerians, poor, rich, old, young, Christians, Muslims, etc. have whole-heartedly supported. Apart from a few Nigerians in Diaspora who have become ‘very considerate and more understanding’ and think ‘anything’ that is done where they live should also be done in Nigeria. The thing done where they live is limited to homosexuality, and absolutely excludes good health care, constant electricity, good road and water supply. They rarely go to Nigeria, they’ve never voted, they haven’t tasted life in Nigeria, thus homosexuality is their utmost priority.
Chiedu, my argument isn’t even about gay marriage. My argument (and anger) is that it’s been criminalized. Since we’re using the United States as our measuring stick, then we should also consider than gay marriage and/or homosexuality is not a crime in all 50 States.
That is all I have to say on the issue. Thank you so much for reading 🙂
vera sorry i have to say you are wrong and your argument has no points in it. i don’t have to sit here and type a very long comment trying to explain how you are wrong justcarefully read again chiedu’s comment and understand what s/he is trying to say. it’s not only about gay marriage. s/he gave you points and facts on this argument and i would be more than happy to see you replying to all 10 points s/he gave you. (i’m not a nigerian though that’s why i don’t know if name chiedu is for males or females)
For the first time (since 1998 when democracy returned to Nigeria), this is the only bill by the senate that most Nigerians, poor, rich, old, young, Christians, Muslims, etc. have whole-heartedly supported.
I laff in french. Sadly that is the root of our problems..see the kind of stupidness we unify for.
Vera nwanne m, ike agwula.
Ginger: Nne, ne kwa’m. Considering all the problems WE are facing in Nigeria, and this is the only bill that everyone is unified for? *hiss* Ngwa nu, let us send all the gay people to jail and see how that will help us.
A law was passed which majority of the people agree with. Ergo, if a referendum was held on that law, it’d record a landslide. Isn’t that the essence of democracy? When did our right to choose (regardless of how stupid a choice it might be) become the perogative of anybody else? U can’t force me to embrace democracy then thumb ur nose at my first “democratic” decision. The gay minority should do what the losers in any election do…suck it up and bear it or get enough of ur members into the house to change it!
There’s one major flaw here: there is NO democracy in Nigeria.