Over the past few days, Colorado Springs, Colorado has been in flames. More than 30, 000 people have been evacuated, and lots of homes have been lost (I don’t know the exact number). The reason for the flames is the temperature and weather: high heat, low humidity, and wild winds.
Thankfully, no homes were lost yesterday, but two days ago (Wednesday), victims and evacuees were being interviewed about the fire and their homes, and one woman stood out to me. She was sobbing like most of the other victims; I mean, losing your entire house to a wild fire is kind of painful.
So this lady started sobbing when she was talking about her house burning down … very normal … Then she talked about just needing to check into a hotel … normal, too. Of course, she needed a place to lay her head for the night. But then, she went on to state the reason why she needed to a hotel so urgently, “I just need to calm my dog down …”
Oh, okay.
LOL. Glad you find it funny.
Adabeke! I have missed you oh!
I have been MIA huh? You kept me very entertained last night. I miss reading your posts….it really cheers my day up.
Awww. I feel accomplished. Tehehehe. Yes, you’ve been MIA. One time I even looked for you on Facebook and couldn’t find you.
I know ooh. Forgive me for just leaving facebook with little warning. I am going to add your blog as part of my morning read, just like the newspaper :-).
Yay!!! I’m gonna be a newspaper in Adebeke’s life.
Sounds like her priorities are very well in order.
Yeah. I think so too.