Last week, I put up a post about women’s panties. A research conducted by someone on some women says that women now own an average of 34 panties. Eager to test this theory, I did the only thing I could think of doing: I counted all my panties and took a picture of them. All 41 of them.
The comment above is from the panty post, and it was left by Estella. She wanted to know when a woman should wash her panties.
I cannot say that I know when a woman should wash her panties. I can only tell you when I wash mine. Every morning. I know I have blogged about this somewhere before, but I just don’t remember where now. I wash my panties every morning because I am a creature of habit. I wash it and hang it on a hanger.
Yes, these panties are hanging on my window, and no, that’s not where I hang them every morning. I only brought them here to take a better picture. I don’t have a real camera, so I took this with my iPad which doesn’t have flash. So I needed a well-lit place to take the picture. And errr, no, my neighbors were not looking – I think.
I attended one lone semester of boarding school in Nigeria where we washed our panties every morning just as we were about to take a shower, and since then, I have been unable to stop the habit. We also used to tie our sponge around our waist, so that way, it would get rinsed at the same time our body was getting rinsed. Up until I stopped using that kind of sponge – here in America – I still used to tie the sponge around my waist.
I don’t wash my panty in the morning because I think it is the right place and time to do it, but because I am used to it. Pendo made a point about the panties not being washed well because you’re in a hurry, but that doesn’t really happen to me. Like brushing my teeth, washing my panty has become a solid part of my routine, so it is part of my bathroom-allotted time.
The other point that Estelle raised is about the secretions women have. Yes, this is true; we do have secretions, and there are days that the panty has no secretion on it, and days that it is the exact opposite. Either way, I am so used to washing it in the morning (or whenever I’m taking a shower).
That said, another point raised by Estelle is the use of panty liners. I have had never, ever used panty liners before. I see them in stores, but I have always imagined that they’d feel more like tiny menstrual pads, and who wants to wear one of those all day, everyday?
Because Estelle brought it up, however, I went to the store and bought me a pack. I don’t know much – if anything – about panty liners, so I could not tell which one was the better brand or size to buy. I ended up with Kotex for two simple reasons: they’re cute! Okay, one simple reason.
These Kotex liners are very small and to my pleasant surprise, also very thin. There are other types of liners – thicker, longer – so you don’t have to use this brand or type alone. This will technically eliminate the issue of having secretions on your panty. And you can see that they’re so think that they’re even kind of transparent. You don’t even feel them on your underwear. I’ve been bought. Can you tell?
One more thing, I will not pile my panties till they’re all gone before I wash them. Perhaps, part of the reason for this is my compulsion to wash them at the sink anyway, but that aside, that would be like me piling up my clothes till they are all completely dirty. I can’t. I do my laundry every weekend, unless there just isn’t the time. In which case, Monday would have to suffice.
About washing them (the panties) in a washer, it makes me feel like they are not completely washed. When I wash them with my hands, I can concentrate on the part that soaks up the secretions, but when I wash them in the washer, the washer doesn’t know where to concentrate. Believe me, I have barked instructions at it several times, but it’s like talking to a big metal box.
There is only one time that I soak my panties, and that is when a little Ms. Flow accident occurs. If the accident is major and panty-threatening, then I will discard the panty. If it’s not panty-threatening, I will soak it. It will do you well to not imagine this stained panty thing.
Yes, I will not try to imagine the “stained panty thing”. My life is broken into phases. The normal me washes my panties everymorning but have you ever woken up late for school or too cold to touch water? Well, I simply stack them up to be washed on the weekend along with my clothes. I DO NOT wear my panties twice without a wash in between. I agree with the whole secretion stuff and that is gross… wearing what? a panty liner? I’d rather be compelled to wash them every hour. Just like you Vera, I soak panties when they are “stained” by the normal or secretions that are very visible. My mom hates all options but wash them every morning.
Your mom sounds like every other mom out there. Lol. Wearing a panty twice (without washing in between) is a definite no no – whether or not it has secretions on it. There are definitely days that I’m running late and I only have two minutes to brush my teeth. On days like that, I skip washing it. Usually, I’ll wash it the following day it with the next one.
cool! Hi, nice to meet ya…again. By the way, I’m a huge fan of your blogspot but also a competitor in the making. I hope to one day beat you and Linda Ikeji at the game but hey, experience supersedes all form of knowledge so I best acknowledge you both as Masters at the Game.
Lool! Tokunbo, I’m so sorry for responding late. I just read this comment. I don’t know about beating me oh, I hardly think I am one to beat; I’m still the underdog, but sure you can aim for Linda. But if truly you thinking I am a master in this game, then I’d advise that you don’t even bother trying to beat anyone. Just do you. And get better at what you do everyday. Good luck! 🙂
Lol at the Underdog and aiming for Linda bit. 😀 know what, I think I like that advise. I’ve never been a really competitive person. I just do my thing and take the win :P. I’d take your advise with a promise of future demands of more if you don’t mind. 😉
Not a problem, Tokunbo. I’m here whenever you need me 🙂
I wash my panties every morning before I shower and I honestly do not think there’s any other way to do it. Been doing this since secondary school and I think piling them up leaves room for getting easily infected etc. I remember the sponge thing in Nigeria, lol. I went to an all girls boarding school in Nigeria and we always used to tie our sponges on our waist.
Yay!! Girl, that sponge thing is a hard habit to break. The things you learn from school – especially all girls schools. I’m so used to washing mine in the morning, too, that I don’t know when or if I’ll ever break the habit.
So yes… i attended a catholic boarding secondary school for 6 long years and i did most of my growing up there (well, the foundation was layed at least).
i had to wake up at 5am every single morning, then take a shower (with 1 small bucket of water) and get ready in 30 mins. 5:30am was mass time…. GOSH i hated this with a passion. 6;30am to 7;30am was morning duty and bla bla bla
i hated having such a schedule. and i still hate being so rigid with my life, abeg life is too short and its meant to be enjoyed.
back to the real matter, No i do not wash my underwears daily…. it will not get clean enough for me. I also do not pile them up for 1 month…. the most i’ve done is like 2 weeks.
i pre-soak all of my underwears with detergent and/or bleach and then toss them in the washer and then dryer ( so that the heat can kill any pending germs)
I do wash daily tho when blood stuff happens
In general, the older people think that one should do a daily cleaning….
i think that as long as my underwears get cleaned and spot free??? it shouldn’t matter.
and pls, the fact that i don’t wash my pata daily does not make me dirty. i’ve seen underwears in some ladies bathroom (that get washed daily) and they got me screaming…. oh wow!
i see another person that has the same washing routine as me i do all those things you do pile-pre soak-wash (washer or hand depends on the mood) and daily wash stained ones
You and Funmie will both be fine! Lol. You two think you’re better than me, abi? 🙂
Na so this thing just touch your heart ehn? What kind of epistle did you leave here in the name of a comment? Lol. Well, as you know, I’m all for washing every morning. The bottom line is that people should wash when they can and make sure that they are clean. Really clean.
Vera welcome to the panty liner world!!! we should have a celebration lol you had me cracking up at tying the sponge on your waist lol that is too funny i have never heard of that before i was trying to mentally picture it and couldn’t stop laughing:)
Really? You’ve never heard of the typing sponge on the waist thing? Wow! Yeah, girl, that was how we were able to rinse our sponge and body at the same time in boarding school. Cause as you know the water was very limited. And thanks for welcoming me to the club of panty liners.
Interesting topic. First of all, I have tried panty liner and hated it because it reminded me of being on my period every single day. Like that is not bad enough. I probably have about 60 or 90 underwears, not really sure how many, mainly due to the Victoria Secret freebies. I wash my underwear when I do my regular laundry. Just like I treat my clothes, I also do with under garments…..use shout or any stain remover overnight and then presoak before wash.
Due to having so many under garments and clothes I could go a month before doing my laundry (can’t pull that off now on the count of not being single anymore). It depends Estella though. If you think it is easier to do less loads of laundry or the stains aren’t coming off then you might want to do your laundry more frequent.
Makes perfect sense. Bottom line is, do what works best for you.
Yup yup. I completely agree.
True. Bottom line is get them CLEAN!
Whatever works for anyone.
And welcome to the panty liner club Vera!
If you have friends that make you crack up with laughter that that little piss drips from too much laughing, you will be happy u have ’em panty liner! lolol
Estella, I am ashamed to say how many times I have had to change my underwear entirely from laughing too hard. Considering ow much I laugh, I might need a jumbo pad or maybe Depends underwear sef to stop myself from getting so wet – and not the other kind of wet. Lol
So true. I know that crazy tears in the eyes and tinkling thingy and begging them to stop the jokes, and you refusing to simply standing up and heading to the restroom, because you don’t want to miss the rest of the joke. lolol
And then you see those commercials that ask if you pee on yourself from laughing so hard, and that if you do, there’s now a prescribed medication for your incontinence that works wonders! Nonsense. Lol.
I know that feeling. tears streaming down your face, your belly in knots and drops of pee hitting your panties with every breath. chai! Good times jare. most times, I get home and change panties when I take a shower but washing them then depends on my mental strenght.
You have described it well! And the harder you try to stop laughing, the more you laugh. And of course, the more you pee on yourself too. Hopefully, the farts don’t roll out with it, too. Lol.
Honestly, maybe I’m gonna start doing this whole washing underwears later thing. It’s starting to become more appealing with with each comment. You know, I have been waiting for Victoria’s Secret sale of 7 for $26 dollars forerver. And then, I just saw that they had one which I found out about a day after it finished. Ugh!!!
Is it me OR do Victoria’s Secret make pants and bras that are NOT so quality? Because blowing $100 on a black push up bra that the golden hook turned dark after one month, and the wire poking me weeks after DOES NOT show quality to me! And the $20 one I got from Walmart is still firm and undamaged DOES not make sense!
And why do the elastic waistbands on some VS loosen so easily????
Is VS really quality?????
I do not own one single bra from Victoria’s Secret, but Funmie buys their bras all the time, and she actually has the same complaint: that they don’t last. Per the underwears, yeah, some of them do slack more easily, especially the lace waist ones, but it’s nothing unbearable to me.
P.S. do you think that washers help in making them last less?
I really don’t think its the washing machine, i believe it is another case of high prices attached to a high name brand but with product made with cheap labor and cheap fabrics!
Believe me, after my last splurge at Victoria Secret, and seeing the laces coming apart in barely a month, I told myself I’m not gonna waste my money again! Walahi!
Some of those hispanic shops in Maryland carry very pretty lacy ones that last a long time.
I agree. It’s the same way I feel about Express. They have nice things, but why so expensive?? What makes them so special?
I did the whole wash everyday in boarding school too 🙂
I was introduced to pantyliners in the US and they were too finicky for me, I don’t have good memories of my period and they reminded me too much of those. My white undies get washed with the whites, and the colored with other delicate clothes.
Oh, wow. You actually wash them with clothes? Interesting. I thought we’re supposed to wash them as delicates? By themselves? Anyway, you see why I stick to washing in the morning. Less complications. Lol,
Yup so do I 🙂 Didn’t do the boarding school thing and can’t imagine doing it. I understand the habit of doing it though.
Adanna, the habit is crazy! Human beings are creatures of habit, myself especially.
I have always stuck to ♍Ɣ daily washing. Can’t imagine the look of dry secretion when next I see the panties (if not soaked immdiately)……mbanu
Who has handled pregnancy secretion? Oh ♍Ɣ…I tried soaking cos I had 2change several times a day, till a friend said “why not just get panty liners”. Not that I never thought of it, but as a preacher of “diapers,pads,tampons soil our landfill/environment”, I couldn’t imagine how many of those liners I would be adding to landfills daily. Well, after also considering the amount of water I need to wash all the several I wore daily, I had to use them. (Could’t calculate which option is more eco-friendly. Panty liners have worked well. Nice posts sis. Like your blog hoohaaa !!
Ugochi, you’re hilarious! So while the rest of us are just worried about which option is more convenient, you were busy thinking about which option is more Eco friendly. Lol. I won’t lie, I don’t really think about that. This thing you said about pregnancy secretions, interesting! I had no idea. Guess I should plan for many liners when that time comes.
Thanks for the compliment, Nne!
Panty liners save the day and we can all soak or wash daily. Gbam.
Panty liners are apparently here to stay. They’re so cute though!
They sure are, and they make panties last longer too.
I’m gonna have to get used to them
I stack mine and do them every week or so with the rest of my laundry. Yes! I wash them with clothes. Don’t blame me i’m too lazy.
I soak them first though then toss them in the washer with the rest of my baffs.
Panty liners – I have never tried. Much like everyone else it reminds me of being on my period and who wants to be reminded of that ish every other day of the month. lol. If and when the secretion happens we soak away. when my panties get stained..i soak too. if the stain is it gets binned. I have special panties I wear just on my period anyways, the sexy ones are defo not period compatible.
the sponge on the waist thing brought tears to my eyes! I almost fell of my chair laughing.
Lol at “baffs!” Haven’t heard that in a looooonnnnnnggggggg time! Yeah, I have special period panties too. Straight up from Walmart, lol. They’re pretty colorful though. One thing I know for sure is that since putting up this post, I think I am slowly but surely becoming lazy about washing before taking a shower. Every time I’m doing it, I’m asking myself, but why do I even have to go through this??? “Other people” are soaking and washing. Why not me???
I’m really gonna give it a try. And lol at laughing st the sponge on waist bit. Serious somethings!
Wow! Im really learning a lot from everyone…I too wash my undies with my clothes. Don’t judge me. I thought it was normal! I usually just wash every 2 weeks, and I do the whole pre-soaking like the other ladies too. I def don’t wash everyday, because I don’t have time and can’t commit. My mother however washes her underwear every morning tho. The only time I wash my undies everyday is when its that time of the month. Then that is def a MUST! lol But come o, I thought all women wore panty liners? Been wearing them ever since I started puberty. My mom introduced them to me. This is really interesting. I can’t stand those secretions on my undies, so panty liners are a MUST…really interesting to learn about other women’s experiences..great post Vera 🙂
Thank you, Steph!
And lol at the panty liner bit. My mother definitely did not introduce me to that. Come to think of it, I don’t even think she introduced me to pads either. Whatever. Per my underwears, I just assume that they should be washed separately as delicates, but I can understand why/how people get lazy and just wash them with their clothes.
Oh, and this panty liner thing is definitely an acquired taste for me, one that I’m even still trying to acquire. Most days I forget to use it.
Never even heard of them till Lately. I thought that was another of the “Oyinbos” wierd creation. Panty-liners? If I hear that my mom introduced it. She never even introduced Sanitory Pads to me. I learnt about that from my mates coupled with the fact that I was a very very late bloomer. Then G&C teachers will come to class and ask if there was anyone who hadn’t started in SS2 and my friends were ever eager to laugh about it and so every G&C lesson(different teachers for each lesson), I’d get the “look”. “how old are you?… nothing to worry about, some start late… come to my office when you start”. I never went. They totally used to humiliate me in class and when I eventually started, I was way too embarrased to even tell my mom. I just helped myself and when she eventually noticed, (I’m a muslim, we are exempted from prayers during that PERIOD) she just asked when and life moved on. *Bad memories* 🙁
Wooooow. So much to learn. Had no idea about Muslims and that “period” …. interesting.i can only imagine your discomfort and embarrassment in school. Lol. Mine wasn’t that bad, although I was also a late bloomer. I did not have breasts for a long time too. Clearly, I’m way beyond not having breasts now, lol.
I am way waaaay beyond not having breasts now. My friends used to call me not-so-nice names. They swear that God used a ruler to draw my figure and that’s why I was flat at the back and in front. And then one day,… 😀 The “shape-fairy” musta gotten lost heading down to my house.
Hahahaha. I had to go searching for the article I wrote about being a woman. Here it goes. Maybe you’ll relate:
Gee! Thanks…I’m off. *zooooooom!*
Enjoy! Tell me what you think when you’re done.
Uhm! I have bever really given much thought to this. However, there is never enough time for me in the mornings to wash my panties, so, most of the time, I toss it in a separate bucket so that later in d day, perhaps while I am doing number two, I can just multitask and wash it. More often than not, I end up accummulating a few day’s worth of panties, abt 3 or 4. BUT they most certainly get washed, hand washed. My mum usually soaks hers in a bucket of plain water in d mornings and washes it in d evenings before going to bed. I have heard of the miracles called pantyliners too but never even tried trying it. IMO, accummulating a month’s use of panties for a lady is just extreme. That’s 30-31 pata nla gigan to wash?! Mba
Ok Honeydame, I read your post and i paused at the ‘Multitasking’ with #2 and washing obroshos.
OK, babe, HOW is that MULTIASKING? One is reflex, whether you like it or not, number do would happen naturally without any effort from you, as long as you are sitting on the can, yes? Ok, correct me guys.
I spilled juice on my keyboard when i saw this, from laughing. lol
Bia HoneyDame, respect yourself Oh! Why must you come here to tell me that you wash your underwears while doing number two? Now I have to picture that. And now, I’m wondering if the underwears will not be stained by the smell of the number two? Lol.
Yes, of course I realize that even if you wash it in the morning, you will still it’s likely hang it in the bathroom, and you will still do number two in said bathroom. Still, I reserve my right to ponder.
I posted a comment on that her ‘Multitasking’, seems my post didnt go through.
I wanted Honeydame to explain how #2 that is a ‘reflex’ thing that she NATURALLY has to do is ‘Multitasking!”;lololol
besides the image she has now also embedded in my memory!
Don’t mind Honey Dame. In her mind now, she’s multitasking by pooping and washing her underwears at the same time. Yeye girl. Lol. I’m gonna go look for the other comment. It might have mistakenly gone to spamm, don’t know why.
OMG! I actually, honestly, truly, did Roll On The Floor with Laughter. Multitasking while doing number 2….lol. That picture just came right up clear and clean. EEEEEwwwwww! Seriously, HoneyDame, you just added one more “Pata” to my stack of “30-31 pata gigan” to wash.
Panty gist eh! very funny… LOL @Honeydame Secondary school definitely taught me to was my ‘skints’ as my sister calls it everyday but if i hear say Lara is a stickler for habits lol weird one I am… but yea I wash my panties when I find out I have just one left and trust me I have loads of em #nowhiding. Basically run some warm water dump the ‘skints’ with bleach and detergent after soaking, dump in the washer , then dryer and the cycle begins again…
Never heard them being referred to as skints before. I like! Well, as I mentioned before, I still wash mine in the morning. I don’t think I’ll be stopping anytime soon. Lol.
Hi I’m a Pakistani (no hate here please!)
And I found this article quite helpful…though I don’t think we get panty liners here.. I’ll check..
Hi I’m a Pakistani (no hate here please!)
And I found this article quite helpful…though I don’t think we get panty liners here 🙁
I’ll check.. XD
Blue, so sorry for not responding sooner. So err, any luck on checking for the panty liners? 😀