Yes, I am high! You read right; I am hiiiiiiiiggggghhhhhh! And it feels damn good. I’m high on a few things.
1: I bought a huge cup/container of French Vanilla Capuccino. Mmmmmmm sooooo goood. I had some a few minutes go, and it is tasty! Best of all, it’s instant and it already has everything (creme & sugar), so all I have 2 do it pour hot water. I didn’t get some whipped creme for it cause I don’t use whipped creme wit my hot beverage. There r betta things 2 do with whipped creme… like…. you know.
2. I bought a whole box of goghurt. Goghurt is yoghurt on the go. It’s yoghurt in a satchet, and I am pretty sure the makers made it for kids cause there are a buncha cartoons on the satchets, but who cares? I love it and I am keepin it! Funmi called me agbaya.. can you imagine? Oh well. Needless 2 say, goghurts are awesome!
3. I finished my short story and started a new series today. It’s called “I Must Be Married”. I’ll let you read it when I am done. I will publish it in chapters….kinda like a soap opera. Feel me? Anyways, I’m really excited that I finally finished my short story – I mean completely finished it – editing & stuff.
4. I watched a new episode of HOUSE today, and two new episodes of LAW & ORDER. First one was LAW & ORDER CI (CRIMINAL INTENT), and the second one was LAW & ORDER SVU (SPECIAL VICTIMS UNIT). My favorite is LAW & ORDER SVU with Detective Stabler & Olivia. Am I the only who is crazy bout these shows? And I don’t care wat any1 says, but I think Dr. House is sexxxy! His blue eyes are so hypnotic. And he is British too! His sarcasm neva stops makin me laff mehn; he is da bomb.
OK – I think those are the only reasons I’m high this evening…unless the two antibiotics I’m on are also playing a role in my excess hyperactivity & ‘highness’. Oh, while I was @ Wal-Mart, I did rush off for a few minutes to go and sniff some liquid soap. Yes, I admit, I love sniffin soap. So what?! Don’t judge me. Anyways, my point is that the soap I sniffed may be playing a role in my hyperactivity this evening.
I just remembered sef… a weird thing happened this evening. I’m not high on this, but I just thought it was interesting. A friend of mine called me and the ff conversation ensued
Me: Hello?
Friend: Hey, Vera, what’s up?
Me: Nothing really. What’s going on?
Friend: I’ve got a quick question for you.
Me: Go ahead & ask. (I have 2 mention the fact that I don’t like this kind of situation because when people say they wanna ask you a question, you neva know what the person has to say. It’s like when a person calls and says, “are you busy”? I never say “no”. I always “Why?”. It’s only afta I find out why the person is asking that I decide whether I am busy or not. Hmmm, should I be writing this online?)
Friend: Do you have any European blood in you?
Me: Huh???
Friend: I mean, I know you have something to do with Russia, so do you have their blood in you?
Me: (confused) Ugh…no. I was only born there.
Friend: Oh ok. Just wanted to ask.
Me: Why?
Friend: Nothing. Just wondering. (Yeah right!)
Me: Alright bye. Thanks for calling…I guess.
Friend: Alright bye.
Why was he asking?? I don’t like when something like this happens cause I have been obsessing over it and tryna figure out why he was asking. Damn, I obsess over things too much 4 real. I think I think too much.
Odd fact about me: A few people have said I look like I’m mixed with Asian blood. Weird huh…considering the fact that I’m black. Apparently, my eyes are a bit “narrow”. Hmmmm. My high skool French teacher in Naija was so sure I was a “lil Chinese”. And some Naija gal here thought I was kinda Asian too. But why??? At a point, I started wondering if my mom was keeping something from me….LOL… nah, not possible. I’m a carbon copy of my dad…xcept in some physiological & anatomical differences, of course. 🙂
I’m out of here. I’m talking 2 much…again
for real..
Maybe somewhere along the line, you have some asian in you.. lol.. if you do, welcome to the clan.. hahahaha
If i have a picture of you, might be able to tell..the tone of your post seeeeeemms ssooooooo happy, buts its a good thing, so enjoy the moment..
Nice@goghurt.. I was about to say what is goghurt..
I will email you how to upload the picture of the book you are reading in a bit 🙂
vera let me tell u the way it is. ur adopted step grand uncle is japanese-russian. so does that explain why u look asian. he is from the north eastern part of russia close to japan.