So, there I was yesterday, checking my Yahoo! e-mail account when I saw a notification from Twitter that a new person was now following me. Usually, I just delete such mails, but this time, the name caught my attention: Turai Yar’Adua. Yes, I mean Turai, our President’s former President’s wife.
Off I went to check her profile out. It’s not everyday that a First Lady former First Lady follows me on Twitter. Decked out in her outfit and traditional red scarf, she sat in her profile picture, staring me down, daring me to follow her back on Twitter. I didn’t. I’ve heard and read too many not-so-flattering stories about her.
She had only one tweet. It’s unfortunate that I didn’t copy and paste it for my keeps, but to paraphrase it, she thanked us for our prayers (if only she knew what I actually prayed for), and then, she said they are back (they, who??). I thought to myself, I’ve got to blog about this!
Confidently, I returned to my list of Twitter followers. She was gone! Turai Yar’Adua was gone. What did I ever do to make her stop following me? This has to be the shortest Twitter relationship I have ever had. So, I went back to my Yahoo! e-mail, and from there, I clicked on her name. This is what I found:
Strange activity?? These Yar’Aduas! Like husband, like wife. Even on Twitter, they vanish. By my calculation, I shouldn’t expect her return to Twitter till another 92 days. That’s not so bad. She’s only the First Lady former First Lady.
But, of course, I’m sure there’s a totally logical, rational explanation for this. I have come to the conclusion that one of the following must have happened:
A. Turai Yar’Adua is on life support
B. Turia Yar’Adua’s Twitter account is on life support
C. Both ‘A’ and ‘B’
P.S. If you’re planning on telling me how it was not actually Turai herself who opened the Twitter account, but rather an admirer with too much time on his/her hands, my response would be, “Talk to the hands!”
LOL, you are silly
Lol. I saw her following me too and I was like, get they behind me and she was gone. lol
I hope she does not come back anyways.
And why didn't she follow me? I'm so disappointed that I have not been considered important enough by the distinguished (former) first couple.

Funny enuff we even have musa yaradua on twitter sef he showed up yesterday and his google location was mushin in lagos
TayneMent: I know I am. I can't help myself. How's life?
NBB: LOL @ get thee behind me. I wonder who is behind this funny stuff. Tehehe. I'm expecting Abacha to follow me soon (just on Twitter, of course!) LOL.
Baroka: Despair not. One day, very soon, you'll be on our level. The level of people who get followed by former First Ladies who think they are still First Ladies. Yeap, any day now….
BBB: Hahahaha. Mushin ehn? Chei. With the age of the internet, things can just pop up anywhere, anyhow. By any chance, did Musa Yar'Adua mention the "status quo" of his father's illness (or "health" as they prefer to call it)?
HAHA this had me laughing out loud. I guess she's now brain dead like her husband and disappeared to Facebook to get better so try to find her on there but you probably would be wasting your time lol
lol..i was going to say it was def not turai.
You are a nutter. lol. I agree, Taurai's twitter account might be on life-support. But its weird though…hmmmm
….LOL! Goodness, Vera! What else would you come up with????
VERA EZIMORA!!! ldkmdf. if abacha follows u, thats not good news o!
hahahahahahahaha. its definitely nt TURAI. SHES TOO STRUGLIN TO STAY IN POWER THAN TO TWEET. in am really laughing and am at the office.."we are back' indeed
lol..babe, u no go kill person with lafta o..
anyway, we all know that the disappearing act is their forte, the Yaraduas, i mean, even on twitter? and with strange activities? oh mehn..
I wondered what was going on when I saw she was following me on Twitter too. Someone really is jobless.
I must be out of touch…I did not know that it was THAT Turai. I was being followed too. Never bothered to check her profile.
I must be out of touch…I did not know that it was THAT Turai. I was being followed too. Never bothered to check her profile.
I have Turai, The presidet himself Yaradua Musa, Gudluck Johnathan and Aanodoka(sp???) following me!!! VERA!!! Tell them to stop it!!..:(
LOL, she was following me too…and now I think she's gone too. Followership increased and decreased in a period of one day. Geez.
lol@Turai's twitter on life support.
Am guessomg it is someone playing pranks
lmao…..i got a request too and lyk few min later, it vanished.
i pick C
LOL, same here! When I saw the Twitter notification, I wondered if I should be worried. But by the time I checked this morning, the account was gone!
Azz in, like husband like wifey oh!
Twitter get life support? lol.
Abeg who cares? i knw i dnt… whether it is the real Turai oh or not
This is too funny. Vera, I have said it, you will not kill me!! shikena!!
Suru: Oh, I wish you had not said this. I will now begin my search for Turai Yar'Adua on Facebook. The operation will commence now! — as soon as I'm doing more important stuff
Leggy: LOL! In that case, I would have said, "talk to the hands!"
Mamuje: Okay, then. We officially have one vote for option B. LOL. Me, a nutter? No way! Tehehe.
Adeola: My dear, honestly, I don't quite know. These days, I just surprise myself.
Omotee: Hahahaha. I thought as much! I reject him by fire! He must die again — by fire! lol. He should not make me cover my Twitter account with the blood of Jesus o!
Fragile Looks: Talk to the hands!! I don't care what she's doing there. She must have discovered that social media is all the hype now, so she jumped on it. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
Doll: If you get fired, please note that I don't have any money to give you oh! That said, yes, "we" are back indeed. LOL
His Treasure: Yes ooo! It's really their forte, obviously. What is this "strange activity" that Twitter speaks of? lol. It likes the strange activities that have been going on in Aso Rock.
Caramel: She followed you too, huh? LOL! I think she's after all my tweet friends! Yes, that's it. This is a personal vendetta.
Lucid: LOL. Yes, indeed, you're very out of touch oo. Nne, ogini n'eme? Too much Turtle in your life? *wink, wink*
Ms. O: Dannnnngggggg!!!! Only you??? Babe, I always knew that your striking beauty and bountiful curves will get you somewhere. Remember me when you get into Aso Rock!!
Jaycee: Sweetie, do we need to arm our Twitter accounts with the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, and the shield of faith? This is an e-spiritual warfare!!
The Girl With The Red Hair: But, who, oh who, could this "someone" be? Maybe Turai is pretending to be "someone" playing pranks on Turai. LOL
Rene: Exactly! See, you're my type of girl. I knew you'd totally understand
Favored Girl: We need to write a query to Aso Rock and demand an explanation. They have no right to play with our emotions! Sure, they might have run away for a few months, but that doesn't mean they should play with our e-emotions!
Chayoma: You don't care ke? You better care o! This could be your chance to become a President! And the best part is, you might not even need to leave Canada *wink, wink*
Life of a Stranger: LOL. I have said the same thing, too. I will not kill you. See, we're on the same page. Tehehehe.
LOL..smh! What a mess!
vera!!! u have killed me o! pple @ wk tink i'm mad!
I woke up and saw Musa Yar'adua is now following you on twitter, a couple of hours later i got Tyrai is now following you on twitter.
I didn't hesitate to delete the emails as they came in *hissss
Following me for what?
so they followed me too.. yes dey as the presido himself and wifey…. i did ot even knoe our Ex first ladies' name.
Smh, i honestly thot it was his daughter or somn….. Ignorance should be my middle name
Haha! Those YarAduas indeed…
They are back..back to where?.. utter rubbish.Last time I heard, Turai is planning on handling the affairs of government in her husband place …Go figure!
Blowing Blessings: A mess indeed. The Nigerian Federal Government has become a playground.
Ibilola: LOL! In your defense, it's probably not today that they started thinking that, so don't worry. Besides, there's a little madness in everyone anyway – except me, of course.
Sirius: Following you as the important personality you are, of course. Why shall they shy? You ought to add this on your resume, you know? Or at least, you could mention it at a job interview.
Funmie: Thankfully, you and I agree for once. Ignorance should definitely be your middle name. Tehehe. I don't know if Yar'Adua has a daughter, but if he does, I'm sure she'll be making an appearance on Twitter soon.
Joicee: Indeed, she is! The woman thinks they're running their village or something. "Somebody" needs to remind her that we're about the Federal Republic of Nigeria darn it! Now, who is that brave Somebody?!
What's soo funny is that she followed me too and I had the exact same experience… I went back and bang… no more turai… I actually got scared that it might have been Nigerian SSS looking to jail naijaa twitters talking bad about her… lol. Make we dey see…. If u here that the COE of was picked up from airport then know that it was actually Turai…lol
maybe it was just somebody using her name
You wouldn't believe this, I just saw her facebook account too! I don't know what games people are playing but I sure as hell do not want any part of it.
Did you just call me beautiful!!! OMG!!! Best compliment ever coming from you!!! YAY THANK YOU!
Aribaba: How can they pick up a whole CEO of Wetin dem mean sef? Apart from that, you're an honorable member of the Umu Ezeani clan. Mba nu! They cannot pick you up. Na who born the maga? In short, lemme give that Turai of a woman a call. It's obvious I've been laughing with her too much these days.
Pink Satin: If that is your opinion, then I'll have to tell you what I told the rest: Talk to the hands! LOL.
Luscious Ron: She's got a Facebook account, too? Nawa o. Turai is staying abreast with the whole social media thing, I guess. Who can blame her? Anyone who doesn't tweet or isn't Facebook is not a "happening person." lol
Ms. O: LOL. Whatever is that supposed to mean? I ALWAYS compliment you. Kilon mean sef? Have you forgotten that time I said… and that other time I said …. Well, what about that time …? Well, whatever!
she followed me on twitter and i was like blooooooood of jesus …
anyway her first and only tweet was
"we are back, thanks for the support"
and suddenly she vanished ……
Thank you for the following!
I just got an email from Turai Yar'Adua. (I don't know her, personally)
My Husband's death has basically given the entire family tremendous insight about those who are supportive to his government and those who are hypocrites, I never would believe that you could for any reason ignore and refuse to assist this family with the depressed matter on ground.
I am relating the matter to you following the recommendation of my husband's view as stated on his record with full confidence from the heart of the entire family that you will be of unconditional assistance to the matter for the benefit of both of us therefore I beg your assistance to permit me to include your name in the deposit letter as the beneficiary/recipient of our huge fund port-folio abroad which my Husband deposited with the Bank of England.
Secondly, we want you to work together with the Executive Governor of Bank of England whom the deposited fund amount (GBP700,000,000.00) seven Hundred million British pounds which my husband deposited with Bank of England, we have already informed the Executive Governor Bank of England Mr. Mervyn Allister King who is currently in Saudi Arabia, we have informed him of our willing to present our chosen foreign partner who will work together with him? as our beneficiary and get the fund into the banking system in your name for proper investment until when this problem pass over, Please indicate your interest in assisting my family in your response so that copy of the deposit letter will be forwarded to you including the Executive Governor of England Mr. Mervyn Allister Kingfs? contact information for immediate action.? Upon our hearing from you and your interest in participating in this transaction, we will inform the special adviser to the president on media and financial matters, my husband's trusted personnel Mr. Segun Adeniyi, so confirm your willingness so that we will inform him and both of you will open communication on this serious transactions and matters, then power of Attorney and Changing of Ownership to your name will commence immediately because there is no time waste.
It worries my heart not only that the family could loose our money to the Nigerian Government but that I have confidently revealed such secret attempts of my family to you which could be dangerous to the reputation of the entire family,
However, the hope of the family towards processing that treasure is still on you for now as you should know that such a secret should not be revealed to one we don't trust, therefore making it very difficult to be sure for now the possibility of claiming that fund from the Bank of England since I can not front my self neither any of my family member to handle the claim not even any Nigerian no matter how close to avoid scandal,
You are advised to forward your ID when replying this message so that I will send it to the Bank of England for official confirmation of your beneficiary Status to them; I will like you to go through what is happening in Nigeria on the internet in goggle and type in the President Umaru Musa Yar Adua and?now the?President Jonathan Good lucks power struggle so that you will understand what we are going through now
Her Excellency Turai Yar Adua
Your assistance to permit me to include your name in the deposit letter as the beneficiary/recipient of our huge fund port-folio abroad which my Husband deposited with the Bank of England.
Reply My Private email address is:
This is my security telephone number which you can contact with me anytime 24 hours of the day.
Tel: +234-80-34-91-88-84
(is she a crazy person?)
I have tears in my eyes for laughing so hard! “We are back” indeed, I like how U draw ya conclusions, verastic logic! Let them talk to the hands. Don’t even know why I’m just finding out about ya blog, so entertaining!