I’ve never, ever been to a strip club. Have you? I’m kinda curious to see for myself what goes on in there, but it’s not on my bucket list. Yesterday, I followed up on a Twitter trend that had me in stitches! Folks were tweeting about bad strip club names, and some of them were just laugh out loud funny. I tell you, Twitter is hiding some undiscovered comedians. Here are some of my faves, in no particular order:
1. Hot & Crusty
2. The C Section
3. Krusty Krab
4. The Breast Is Yet To Come
5. The Caesearean Palace
6. Uncle Hymen’s Hotties
7. Daddy’s Little Disappointment
8. Banana Republic
9. The Golden Banana
10. Fire Crotch
11. Maxi’s Pad
12. The Wizard Of Ooze
13. Kum & Go
14. Dignity
15. Kitty Tower
16. Fishy Joes
17. Congress
18. Twerk n Jerk
19. Just Like Mom’s
20. Rainmakers
21. The Black Hole
22. Downstairs Surprise
23. Puss In Boots
24. Kids Enter Free
25. Something’s Fishy
26. The Limp Noodle
27. The Happy Swallow
28. I Can’t Believe It’s Not Buttholes
29. Loose Lips
30. Plan B
Ladies and gentlemen, I’m ashamed to tell you that I couldn’t resist the urge. I joined in! I am ashamed of myself *bows head in shame* But in my defense, my tweets were not all of my ideas. My friend – who prefers to stay anonymous – gave me some, too. He found the trend very funny, too.
The Milky Way #BadStripClubNames
— Vera Ezimora (@verastic) August 28, 2013
Always Open #BadStripClubNames
— Vera Ezimora (@verastic) August 28, 2013
The Slut Machine #BadStripClubNames
— Vera Ezimora (@verastic) August 28, 2013
A Hairy Situation #BadStripClubNames
— Vera Ezimora (@verastic) August 28, 2013
Back Door Only #BadStripClubNames
— Vera Ezimora (@verastic) August 28, 2013
By the way, it’s still trending. Peeps are still tweeting this hash tag right this moment. If you’re bored or just plain curious, check it out here. But I have to warn you, it’s hard to resist the urge to join the train. As soon as I put this post up, I am closing that Twitter page. This is crazy! I’ve been reading dirty tweets for over an hour, and I have work to do. I have 30 tweets here out of many thousands, and to think, I only intended on putting 10.
I feel so dirty now. I’m gonna go take a shower with holy water — and go confess my sins, too.
Clicks link…. starts laughing my head off in the office.
Now look what you made me do… SMH
Quaggar, imagine how I felt! I sat in front of my computer laughing and laughing and laughing. And it was happening live for me, so each time I wanted to stop laughing, there’d be another stupid tweet. Fun times. I think I should do this more often (I mean blog about Twitter trends). Fun stuff!
L̃̾Õ☺Õ̾Ô=D:D=));)ÕÔ☺ÔÕ̾L̃̾ dis crazy & Vera u’ve got some weird creative names there. Maybe u shud sell d idea& while u re @ it u cud add #Jerkings(whatever dat means). P.S: it wasn’t me
Hahaha at Jerkings. Of course, it wasn’t you. You are guilty as charged! 😉