I have been a mommy now for almost two years – wow! Before I became a mom, I had many expectations, based on what I had seen and what I had been told, but no one really told me about mom guilt, and I don’t think I had ever even heard of it before. In fact, it was only when I realized I was experiencing mom guilt that I found out I was not alone. Mom guilt is a thing, and I am actively experiencing it.
I don’t know if mom guilt ever goes away or changes, and I don’t know if I’m feeling this way because I only have one child right now, but what I do know is that I feel extremely guilty whenever I’m not doing something with Ada Verastic. For example, she loves going out, and when I leave her at home to go somewhere, I feel like I have betrayed her (even when I’m going somewhere I cannot take her to). I literally try as much as possible to leave the house when she’s asleep because it breaks my heart to see her crying face when I leave. I know she will be okay, but I still feel very guilty.
The guilt extends even to food. For example, I brought home a bowl of ora soup from my trip to Houston (please don’t ask me to explain), but it took me over a week to finally eat it because every time I wanted to eat it, Ada Verastic was either asleep or not hungry. So I waited. Eventually, she was awake and hungry, but my toddler still refused to eat it. I ended up eating it alone, but I didn’t feel bad because at least I had tried to feed her.
The mom guilt also concerns more serious issues, like time. Am I spending enough time with her? Or wait, am I spending too much time with her? Am I edifying her enough? Am I exercising her brain enough? Am I being mom enough? If someone else were doing the things I’m doing with Ada Verastic, I would confidently tell that person that they were doing an exceptional job, but when it comes to me, I feel very guilty. I even feel guilty when I sleep without her, and when I worked in Corporate America, I felt guilty about that, too.
Ironically, I grew up with a mommy who always had a job – she was [still is] a medical doctor, so you’d think that I, of all people, would understand. And when I was four years old, I even lived only with my dad because mom was rounding up med school in Russia. Still, I don’t remember a time I needed my mom and she wasn’t there. So, logically, I know that I am not breaking Ada Verastic, but emotionally, I am ripping myself to shreds.
Right now, right this moment, I am not home. I packed my laptop and everything and ran to a place I now refer to as my office because I have so much work to do, and I know that doing it at home will take me four times the time to accomplish half as much, so I know it makes the most sense for me to be here. But I still feel terrible. Why didn’t anyone warn me about mom guilt?
When I’m done working and I go home, I know I will be greeted by a very excited Ada Verastic. I always look forward to going home because I love how she runs into my arms when I come home. However, it also makes me feel guilty that I have been away for so long, and that’s why she’s so excited to finally see me. From another angle, I also love that she can see her mommy fighting for her dreams – although I know she cannot comprehend it yet. But when she gets older, I want her to fight for her dreams too, and I’m hoping that I’m setting a good example for her.
So, if you are a mom who is more experienced than me, please tell me how to overcome this mom guilt. And can it even be overcome, or should I just start saving money to go see a psychotherapist to discuss my feelings? Also, does it get better as the child gets older and I have more children? HELP!
I would definitely like to know how to handle the mom guilt, because I have days when I wake up and go… OK..I am quitting my job and becoming a full-time stay at home mom!..but then I snap out of real quick cos I know I can’t do it even if I tried…I beat myself up all the time because I wake my son up in the morning just to rush out the house at 7am and don’t see him again till 6pm, then it’s dinner and bed time! 😭😭..I look forward to Saturday and Sunday just to overcompensate for Mon thru Friday and will NOT attend any event or go anywhere if he is not going with me, because I have been a bad mother for 5 days straight… I was definitely not prepared for the guilt and have not been able to talk myself out of it…Biko ehn..if you find a good shrink, hook a sister up!
I have three kids ages 14, 11 and 10 and yes I still feel the mom guilt. It isn’t something that can be stopped just that as moms we learn how to manage it. Everyday while at work and I think of them at home from school and I feel like quitting and just going home to be with them. Something you wrote rings true, hopefully they see us fighting for our dreams and this pushes them to fight for theirs. I also always make sure that every free time I have is spent building awesome memories with them. You r doing a great job so no need to worry, just keep up the good work.
My dear, the mom guilt is REAL! I am constantly thinking to myself, “my son’s speech is still not clear, this person’s son of same age is already reading, I know I’m not doing enough, I’m supposed to be homeschooling and having him recite….”, it’s a non stop mental tirade.
Doesn’t help that when you go on IG, you see moms who seem to be soooooo invested, teaching their kids to write, teaching foreign languages, infact, teaching on levels you truly aspire to. And they are just like me, same age et al. I’ve just been so distracted with trying to get a better job this year…. let me stop now abeg- it is REAL.
Let me leave the link of a recent blog I wrote talking about this, if you wanted a lil read http://www.musingsofjudgejudyjudy.com/2017/10/hi-guys-hope-your-years-been-going.html
P.s: I got the night job.