I stumbled upon an article the other day, and I now cannot remember where. But the article listed a bunch of ways that you know he’s a player. Some of them were pretty cut and dry, but there was one that stood out to me. It’s definitely how to know he’s a player. It’s all in the phone. One way – according to this article – to know that he’s a player is by watching the way he keeps his phone. Face up? Or face down?
Face Up: This is the way everyone leaves their phone because naturally, we do not want to scratch the screen. Makes sense, right? I just took a quick glance at my phone which is where it usually is – sitting pretty next to me – and it’s face is up.
Face Down: This means one thing and one thing alone: he’s trying to hide whatever may come in. It could be a call (he doesn’t want you to see the name of the person calling), or a text, or a picture, etc. You get the idea. And this, too, makes sense, no? Because I mean, why would anyone put their phone face down?
So what I am saying is, shine your eyes!! Pay attention. If he is putting his phone face down, then it means he definitely has something to hide. And if he has something to hide, then you need to run, not walk. But before you do so, read the second part of this post — right under the line.
Be that as it may (mom loves saying this), I do put my phone down religiously every night before going to bed. First, I put it on complete silence because I don’t want it to ring or vibrate. Then I put it face down because I don’t want the light to brighten the dark room when (if) it rings. Igwe also puts his phone down. I don’t know if this is an iPhone thing or if Igwe just doesn’t know how to set it, but his phone can only be on either ring or vibrate (unlike mine that goes on complete silence). And it always has this bright flashing light at the back when it rings or vibrates or even receives anything like text, alerts, etc.
So when it’s night time, he puts his phone on vibrate. Then he has to put it on the carpet (because I don’t want to hear the vibration), and then he has to put a pillow on it to kill the little vibration that may come through and to also kill the light. Even that aside, sometimes Igwe puts his phone face down (and it’s not at night), just like he puts his watch face down, too. And it drives me nuts. I feel like he’s ruining the face of the watch and the screen of the phone. He also puts his sunglasses face down sometimes, and I just cannot understand it.
What I am trying to say basically is that if you break up with an otherwise perfect gentleman for putting his phone face down because Vera said she read somewhere (she cannot even remember) that it’s a sign he’s a player, then all I have to say to you is …
The comments are so so funny! Personally, my phone could be faced up or down depending on the ocassion, and that doesn’t mean I have any skeleton in my closet…
Vera, well written as always…
Thank you, Gift!! It’s just one of those social things.
Hahaha, funny Vera. I think the clue is a good one. Turning the phone over at night is different from turning it over ALL the time, especially when the other person is near.
I completely agree. I should have clarified in the post that Igwe doesn’t turn it over all the time, but he does do weird things like turn his phone, sunglasses, and watch over. God help us oh. Lol.
Haha Vera, i swear, i almost died laughing when i saw this post, i once dated a player, the phone was always face down, in his pocket or in his bolster, i almost bought him a privacy screen (if such exists for phones), you know the kind they have on desktops so that you don’t see what the next person is typing. I leave my phone face up and if you detect any suspicious activity, all you need to do is ask me.
Yes, they definitely exist. I know someone whose name I won’t mention, and he had a phone screen on his phone because he did not want his many women to see what was going on. I don’t have one though. I have a password on my phone, and that’s as much security as I need.
I busted out laughing after i saw that picture…Mr. ibu o…LOL!!
My phone is always face up and face down when i’m about to sleep.
Love the Ibu pic at the end. Bloody good caveat too!
Tehehehe. Thank you, David! 😀
This article is ruining my relationship! Thank you! I have always sat my phone down face down. Why, I have no idea just a habit I guess. But now that my girlfriend has read this ridiculous article and has came to the conclusion I’m cheating. I’m trying to break this habit. But as with all habits it’s difficult.we’ve been together for 5 years and have a child. I have never cheated or attempted to cheat. This article has had a horrible impact on my life and I may be loosing the love of my life due to your ignorance.you are a horrible Peron and I wish you the worst. By the way she has all my passwords and I happily let her go through my phone anytime she wishes but the bug you planted in her head remains.
Well actually there are phone settings. When activated the phone silent everything and when you pick it up it vibrates if u have notifications
As they say… If someone accuses you of cheating. The accuser is most likely the guilty party. Especially when your other half has ALL access to your stuff, passwords and all.
My husband had an affair, and it’s had a a once bitten, twice shy effect on me.
I have never understood the whole putting the phone face down AND, according to him, I’m making a big deal out of absolutely nothing. My intuition has NEVER steered me wrong. Then I Googled Why people lay their phones face down..
It’s really NOT rocket science..
Thank you for posting this article.
Well you are another moron then. I get tons of text messages, group texts, emails, and all sorts of social media notifications throughout the day. I HATE every buzz beep and flash. For that reason, I turn all my notifications off except for text messages and emails — my phone will vibrate (NOT light up). So what does it matter which side its on? My case keeps the screen off of the surface, so nothing is being scratched (geniuses). CONCLUDING that no matter what side it is on, it will VIBRATE, not light up or ring. FURTHERMORE PROVING WOMEN SHOULDNT BE ALLOWED NEAR TECHNOLOGY. You people are embarassing, moronic, paranoid and STUPID.
My boyfriend never goes anywhere is always with me so why does he always have his phone on silent ?