I’ve been blogging for seven years, and one of the things that have been consistent, even long before social media, is e-mail. Bloggers have to have a way to contact and be contacted. Now, I realize that my list may not apply to every blogger, but I’m sure that most bloggers can identify.
7 things you do, but should really stop doing when you e-mail bloggers (especially me):
1. You address me as “Dear Blogger”
2. You refer to my blog as “your media platform”
3. You don’t introduce yourself; you just go straight to the point (Nigerian PR agents, please take special note!)
4. You address me as “Dear Sir/Madam” (Nigerian PR agents, please take special note)
5. You send the e-mail to me and 100 other people (and you do not use BCC)
6. You misspell my name and/or blog
7. You address me by the wrong name
Any one of these is enough for me to delete your mail without even bothering to read it. So if you e-mail me and don’t hear back from me, it could be because of any one of these reasons.
Dear Vera,
Points noted 🙂
Thank you, Ms. Dawari! 😀
Dear Blogger,
I would like to know how much advertisement is on your media platform the blog known as Verastica. Thank you madam I await your response.
hio hio hio hio…Good one Pendo
Very good one. Don’t mind Pendo, always finding my trouble.
Hahahaha. You know what makes this comment funny? It actually reads like some of the e-mails. SMH.
Wait, I’m guessing the person is guilty on all counts?
You’re guessing right. Lol.
This has me lol-ing because I receive a lot of those mass emails that go out without been bcc’d and I wonder what the sender was thinking. The grammatical errors break my heart too lol
My dear, I just got another one that referred to me as “Verast”
Hear hear! I’ve wanted to write an entry like this for a while and I do the same as you: DELETE! I also hate being added to mailing lists/newsletters I never opted in for: I just unsubscribe or reply with a “please remove me from this mailing list” when that happens.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels this way. Per mailing lists, I don’t care too much if I’m added. If it’s something I don’t mind reading, I’ll read it. The problem is when I am not interested. I just unsubscribe. Plus, frequency matters too. For example, I send newsletters like once a month. Some people like to send you a newsletter once a day. Ain’t nobody got time fo’ dat!
hahaha “Ain’t nobody got time fo’ dat!” 😉
Not at all, girl!
Dear Verastically Verastic,
I am one of your fans and I like your media platform