My people, I almost had a heart attack. Let me tell you what happened! It was before Igwe traveled to Nigeria for a couple of weeks. On the night it happened, Igwe and Ada Verastic went to bed at about the same time, while I stayed up in the living room writing.
It was past 1:00 AM, and I had just shut down my laptop when Igwe came out to the living room with Ada Verastic. He said she had woken up crying, so I told him to go back to bed while I fed her. I warmed her milk and attempted to feed her, but the girl refused it, and she was crying incessantly, which was very unusual for Ada Verastic. I usually know why she’s crying, and I’m usually able to quickly console her. This time, however, she was inconsolable. The crying was not going away.
Then I held her close to me and realized that her body was warmer than normal. In fact, forget warm; she was hot. I could have fried an egg on her. I pulled out my thermometer and attempted to check her temperature via her rectum. When I gave birth to her, the nurse had told me that the best place to get the most accurate temperature was in the rectum, so I tried. I tried three times and got three different readings because she refused to stay still and was still crying.
I attempted to feed her again and she started throwing up. I attempted to give her a dose of her Infant’s Tylenol and she threw up the little bit that went into her mouth. That was when I knew that dis thing don commot for play-play (this was a serious matter!). At this time, Igwe woke up and came back to see what was going on. He thought maybe she was crying because I didn’t give her enough milk, or maybe I walked away.
By this time, I was already panicking. I knew that any temperature that was 100.4 degrees or higher in a baby meant she had a high temperature, but I didn’t know what her temperature was because I couldn’t get an accurate reading. Meanwhile, my baby was still crying screaming and refusing her milk and medicine. She even refused her snacks, which she loves. That was a sure sign for me that she was not okay. Igwe and I immediately decided to rush her to the emergency.
At the hospital, we waited for about twenty minutes before we were called in, and if you have ever gone to the emergency room here, then you know that that was FAST! Apparently, the pediatric emergency is a lot faster. In the adult emergency, you’d have to be caught in the jaws of a lion with your head dangling by one vein before you get seen. Otherwise, you will wait until your illness almost sends you to your maker.
While I was getting dressed and packing for the hospital, I was crying. While we were driving there, I was crying. In the hospital room, I was still crying. They checked her temperature, and she was 104. Aaahh!! Doctor, is this regular feefa or spirishua feefa? Did they send it from the village?
Immediately, she was given Children’s Motrin. Not sure what was ailing her, they checked for ear infections. Negative. Then the doctor said they had to check her urine for infections. Since you cannot send Ada Verastic into the bathroom with a urine cup, the only way to get clean urine was to put in a catheter. More crying – for both me and her. It was a tiny, little catheter, but still, it was difficult to watch. They got the urine and took it for testing.
By the time they returned, her fever had reduced. She still had a fever, but it was not as high. However, it was obvious that she was feeling better. She had gone back to babbling very loudly; you could hear her from the hallway. So, we waited anxiously for the doctor to tell us what was wrong with our baby.
My people, she was teething. It was just about a week prior that she had started releasing her first set of teeth – one up and one down. And it was these two tiny, little teeth that caused the spike in her temperature.

Ada Verastic on the hospital. The littlest, most adorable patient I’ve ever seen.
I knew prior to this that teething could cause fever, but in the moment that she had the fever, everything I knew and everything I had read just flew right out of my head. I completely forgot everything. We took our teething baby home where she has lived happily ever after. The next morning, I bought a bottle of Children’s Motrin. She had a little fever the next day, and I was right there with the medicine, feeling like an expert fever reducer. It was past 4 in the morning by the time we went to bed.
She now has four teeth. Two up and two down. And she’s been biting us every chance she gets. She has also been improving on her paper-eating skills. Yesterday, she tried to eat the box that her new feeding bottles came out of. Judging by the pain of the bites we have received, we can confirm without a shadow of doubt that her teeth work. Please watch out for our blockbuster movie, full of suspense, drama, and action. It will be called, Teeth Of Platinum & Favor: Ada Verastic Chopping Roasted Corn. [Title inspired by Nollywood, in case you’re wondering].
All hail Ada Verastic. Na she dey reign.
P.S. After the incident, every parent we told about it told us she was teething before we even finished our story. Obviously, Igwe and I were really rookie parents.
You want to give me hypertension. So my ‘Princess Go Girl’ got some teeth now. Thanksgiving turkey loading.
Alexandra, pele! Lol. But yes, she has teeth. They’re four now sef, so more biting.
Hahaha Thank God her teeth is working.First time ihad to take my baby to the hospital,i didn’t cry but the thoughts in my head were “i didn’t take care of him well” “i was a sloppy mom” 2i could have don better” – it was just catarrh and he was finding it a bit difficult to breathe. #tobeamom
TheIsokoGirl, my dear, I might be wrong, but I’m starting think that as a parent, you will always be riddled with thoughts about whether or not you’re doing enough.
Ha-ha!! The joys of parenthood. The emergency room is not a joke oh. I have an uncle who never goes, regardless of what is ailing him simply because of the waiting time.
When the devil whispered
My dear, I can’t even blame him! Last time I went there was when I had a car accident while pregnant. I waited forever!!! Tufia kwa for these people. Lol.
Thank God
I had no idea it was her teeth too.
Thank you, Tessa. Thank God indeed.
Lolz @is it spiritual feefa or regular feefa. Thank God she is ok now.
Lol. Favour, as a Naija babe, I had to ask nah. Lol.
Oh that catheter insertion is the most painful experience as a parent to watch.
I was crying like crazy with my 12yr old daughter experience when she was a baby. It was so painful watching it that I literally threw up.
I’m glad your sunshine is better now. Parenthood hen na wa. !! It will throw you up, down and center. Kai.
BiKe, no be small matter at all oh! The only time that I myself have had a catheter was after having Ada Verastic and it didn’t hurt at all because I was still numb from the epidural. I felt TERRIBLE watching them do that to her. Thinking of it now is still making me sad sef. I have never experienced the range of emotions that I’ve been experiencing since becoming a parent.
You all did the right thing!! Patient First Urgent Care and our local emergency room almost knew us by first name basis. If he coughed to much he was already on the way. I don’t like to play guessing games jare. I’m glad it was just teething and she’s back to her happy ways ๐
Memzy …. Looooool!!! They know you by name? Lol! You’re one of those people. But mehn, I cannot blame you. You just don’t want to take any chances when it comes to your child.
oh.. Thank God nothing bad happened. ๐
Yes, indeed, thank God.
Vera, you no go kill me…too funny. Meanwhile my Ada is gorgeous ah ah; I hope she left small for the remaining 5 that will come after her.
Hahahahahahaha. Remaining 5 that will come from where? Abeg oh! Lol. Don’t make me pass out right now. Thank you for the compliment *wink*
Awwww, poor baby. I’m so happy I’ll have my mum and sister with me when my time comes.
But yay, teeth!
Good for you!! It’s always good to have more experienced people around — unless they’re like my grandma who seems to enjoy going to the hospital and will make you run there for any reason. Lol.
Your baby is so cute, even on a sick bed. I know she will have healthy teeth. God bless her.
Aww. Thank you so much, Mary Mary! And Amen. God bless you too.
Verastic, odiegwu really. Nne, next time she’s ill, if theres no bleeding and she’s breathing okay breathing, abeg call ur mom or mother-in law to ask first. This teething in babies is one of the shocks i learnt as a first time mom. Worst still, is that each baby reacts differently when teething. I had sleepless nights with my Zara too when she was teething and one hospital visit but not to the emergency unit tho.
I have a blogpost on my experience as a new igbo mom with a teething baby. Do check it out. Ndo! and welcome to mommyhood
See how we celebrated baby’s first teeth
Nne, you know the thing started at 1am, and since this was our first time, we both panicked. The thing di kwa egwu for real. I’m just grateful that it was not something more serious. So grateful. And lol at if there’s no blood. Hahahahaha. And your link doesn’t work ๐ Keeps giving me a 404 error
“In the adult emergency, youโd have to be caught in the jaws of a lion with your head dangling by one vein before you get seen”
That’s my favorite line ever!!!
I’m so glad she was only teething (I know ONLY teething is still painful for her and for you to have to deal with) and not something more serious!!
Love your writing style, my friend!
Awwww. Thank you, Teri! You sure know how to make a girl feel special. And yes, I’m glad it wasn’t more serious. I bet you don’t have to deal with your high school children’s teething anymore? Hahaha. Actually, come to think of it, you might still be dealing with it. I hear the job of a mom is never over.
wow, i was so scared…glad to know she was only teething.
Lara, thank you for your concern, love! Glad, too, that it was only teething.
Omg! I almost thought something serious was wrong! Thank you for sharing so I can look forward to such when its time. Motherhood rocks!
Hi Jenny!
Thanks a lot. We’re grateful that it was not as serious as we feared.
I was scared when I saw the tweet! Thank God she’s okay.
I keep thinking I will be very panicky when I have my baby..but I trust my mother to knock sense into my head when I start behaving anyhow.
Even as adults, growing toothth or any teeth issue is perhaps the worst physical pain after child birth so imagine what it’s like for an infant. Kisses to Ada Verastic. Hope the rest of the teeth come out easier!
Thanks a lot, MsDawari! For me, even before I became a parent, I was always the worrier. Now that I have a baby, everything is just worse. I;ve never had any serious tooth problem(s), but I’ve heard that it is freaking painful. Per your mom knocking sense into you, don’t be too sure! She might be entranced with the new human being and not be able to be “strong” lol
You scared us ooo.our precious adaV, dental pain is the worst mehn!!even as an adult talkless of as a baby. Thank God she’s good now and yipeee teeth!May she continue to grow in grace. thank you for sharing ur experience with us.XooX
Amen!!! Thank you, Hamira! I’m so grateful, too, that she’s good. Now I’ll always have Motrin handy, that’s for sure.
You can never be too careful with babies biko. You can see the hospital are also cautious too judging by the short waiting time you had. Thank God it was only teething.
But Nne, that teething business shaa, the day I actually saw the reddish gum as the teeth tore through the gum, I felt for my son jare. no be small tinz.
Ginger, I know!!! One really can never be too careful. I was just terrified. I wished I could take her pain away because at least, I could talk and say where it hurts.
Aye! I can’t even begin to imagine the stress you were under when all this happened and then finally feeling the weight of the world lifted off your shoulders when they tell you… She is TEETHING! ๐๐๐
I’m glad Ada Verastic is now a paper chewing champ!