Welcome to February.
New Year, new journal picture. While I was looking for the picture to use in this post, I was excited that for my 2016 journals, I’ll be using a new picture. Then I began to wonder why on earth I don’t use a different picture for every journal? I mean, these pictures are not free. I actually pay for them. Why did I use the same two pictures for all 2015 journal entries?
Anyway, here we are in February, talking about January. The thing about the New Year is that it has this way of renewing your hope and dreams. You kind of let go of every shortcoming of the previous year – even if you only let go for a few minutes. The New Year makes us feel like yes, another opportunity to try this again. But isn’t that what everyday should feel like, because is everyday not a new day and a new opportunity to do whatever it is we have been wanting to do?
So what did I do in January? I became one year older, wiser, and damn beautiful. My birthday was on January 14th, and it might have been the quietest, simplest birthday I ever had. My hair was not even done, nor did I wear anything special. I just managed to rub small pancake on my face. Once again, Ada Verastic overshadowed everything – in a good way. I was happy that it was my birthday, but I was happier to be celebrating it with her. All we did (per my request) was go to The Cheesecake Factory (as usual, don’t laugh at me). Ada Verastic was there, and she “ate” too.
In January, Verastic also turned 10 years old!! I always thought I’d do something grand for my 10th anniversary, but the time came around and I almost missed it. I don’t know why I forgot, but out of convenience, let’s just go ahead and blame Ada Verastic for this one, too. In my anniversary post, I told you to ask me anything. Thank you for the questions. I have recorded the video where I answered all the questions, and I’ll be posting the video in the coming week.
I also announced during that anniversary post that I will be teaching a blogging class soon. It took a little longer than expected to finalize the location, but it’s finally done. You can read about the class on my brand new class page. In addition to posting the video next week, I will also be posting full details about the class. If you have not yet, please sign up to receive more details about it via email (sign up “sheet” is below).
In January, my boo, Ada Verastic turned three whole months! Woo hoo!!! I took her picture on that day and her face looked like she wanted to be doing anything but taking a picture. As soon as I was done, she fell asleep. But needless to say, the past three months of my life have been like nothing I have ever experienced.
In January, I also actively started working on Passion #2 (number one is the class). The numbers do not indicate their preference or priority in my life, but just their release date. I hope to give you the details of Passion #2 by the end of this month, or March at its latest.
January was not all beds and roses. I had difficulties and frustrations and bursts of exhaustion and hopelessness. The thing is that no matter how much progress you’re making, one little setback is enough to make you forget all the good things that have happened. As I’m writing this journal now, I am even surprised that I had all these good things because my brain managed to remember the one bad thing. The only reason I remember the good things now is because I wrote them down because I knew I was going to be typing a journal here, and that’s just a shame.
It’s a shame that I had to write them down to remember them, but the bad things are at the forefront of my mind. Help me, Lord. I need to not be the person who forgets to count her blessings. The song that comes to my mind right now is “Count your blessings, name them one by one … and you’d be surprised with what the Lord has done.” So apt right now.
Anyway, Sweet Potatoes, that was my January. How was yours? Although February is almost halfway gone, I pray we all have a blessed month of February in Jesus name. Amen.
P.S. Link to sign up for the class details below.
Been binge-reading your blog the whole of today. My interest was sparked when I read that you’d attended SLC too and I wanted to see if I’d recognise you. I didn’t.
But it’s already tomorrow and I can’t seem to tear myself away….